SRP 8th Plenary Meeting and General Assembly 22-24 January 2019 Siem Reap, Cambodia -
Activities implemented by the Conservation Agriculture Service Center (CASC)...
Final narrative report ACTAE Small Grant Facility -
Workshop - Research for Development for Agroecological Transition in South-East Asia
Final workshop report Research for Development for Agroecological Transition in South-East Asia€ Battambang, Cambodia, 23rd to 24th April 2018 -
Contract farming for organic paddy supply in Preah Vihear Province
CASE STUDY 2 - Support to the Commercialization of Cambodian Rice Project [SCCRP] -
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in cambodia
The presentation for Regional experience sharing workshop Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) to promote agroecology in the Mekong Region€ 1st to 3rd October 2018, Vientiane... -
Presentations from the Regional Vegetable Forum 2018Sharing knowledge to...
The regional vegetable forum 2018, as a part of this series of events, has been again initiated by the ACIAR project ASEM/2012/081 €“ Improving market engagement, postharvest...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.