Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture - 1st edition
There is increasing evidence that warns that the growing push toward industrialization and globalization of the world’s agriculture and food supply imperils the future of... -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
The agricultural research and development institutions in most developing countries are poorly equipped to support the needs of millions of smallholder farmers that depend upon... -
Farmers’ adoption of pollution-free vegetable farming in ChinaEconomic,...
Based on the survey data of 420 vegetable farmers in China, the logit model is used to analyze farmers’ adoption motivation of pollution-free vegetable farming and quantify the... -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
AgroecologyA global Paradigm to Challenges Mainstreams Industrial Agriculture
Considerable controversy continues to exist in scientific and policy circles about how to tackle issues of global hunger, malnutrition, and rural economic decline, as well as... -
Crop protection and pesticide risk assessment Myanmartowards sustainable ...
The government of Myanmar and the Netherlands intend to start a partnership programme in different agricultural sectors, including horticulture. The Dutch Ministry of economic... -
NBSAP Assessment An Assessment of Lao PDR’s National Biodiversity Strategy...
In 1996, the Government of Lao PDR acceded to United Nation International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In meeting the requirements of the convention, in 2004, the... -
Scaling Up Agroecology “ Toward the realization of the right to food
Present agroecology and conditions for scaling up.This document of the IATP presents agroecology (definition, principles) and various conditions which will allow scaling up... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these... -
Resolving the twin human and environmental health hazards of a plant-based diet
Food can be health-giving. A global transition towards plant-based diets may equally help curb carbon emissions, slow land-system change and conserve finite resources. Yet,... -
Accompanying the Agro-ecological Transition in Southeast Asia 2015 - 2019
Final report for ACTAE regional project. The ACTAE regional project aims at promoting sustainable agriculture based on agroecology principles and practices in GMS - countries:... -
Activities implemented by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources...
Narrative report - ACTAE Small Grant Facility for the Activities implemented by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management, the Conservation Agriculture Service... -
Crop ProtectionHow do stakeholder interactions in Cambodian rice farming...
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ACP-ACTAE Project (2017-2018) “ Agroecological Crop Protection
The ACP-ACTAE project was funded by AFD (Agence FranÇaise de Développement) within the ACTAE regional project ("Towards Agroecology Transition in the Mekong Region"). It was... -
Better and Different Transforming food systems through agroecology
The publication depicts how civil society initiatives play an increasing role in shaping local food systems and how they are drawing up food policy. Various cases from Kenya,... -
Agroecology for Food Security and NutritionProceedings of the International...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 29-31 August 2016
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.