Role of technology transfer in agriculture to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
The presentation for CAPSA-MARDI Workshop 18-20TH JULY 2017, Malaysia -
Sustainable Intensification (SI) What does it mean for smallholder farmers...
This presentation for a brief overview Sustainable Intensification (SI) in South East Asia, Myanmar Seed Saving Workshop January16-18, 2018 -
ECHO ASIA Regional Impact Center Seed Banking and Saving
This presentation for a brief overview how to do Seed Banking and Saving, by Abram J. Bicksler, ECHO -
Identifying, Preserving,, Promoting Neglected, Underutilized Species
This presentation for a brief overview Identifying, Preserving,, Promoting Neglected, Underutilized Species, by ECHO -
ECHO ASIA Regional Impact Center
This presentation for a brief introduction ECHO ASIA Regional Impact Center€ -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resources Centre in Extension and...
Small Farm Resources Centre (SFRC) model is not a new approach to agricultural outreach. Extension variations on this theme have been in operation in many parts of the world for... -
The Southeast Asian Network for Agroforestry Education (SEANAFE), Phase II
Sida supports the development of education in agroforestry in SEAsia. The main objectives are to solidify an effective regional and national (in fi ve SE Asian countries)... -
Profiles of People’s Organizations In Rural Asia
This study entitled Profiles of People’s Organizations in Asia under the auspices of AsiaDHRRA and Agriterra covered seven countriesIndonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,... -
Asia at the Crossroads Prioritising Conventional Farming or Sustainable Agriculture?
In June of 2012, representatives of over 140 nations are expected to take part in the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development€. The conference €“ scheduled... -
Organic Agriculture WorldwideKey results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on...
There are 3 presentations summarizing the key results of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2013 (data 2011). Apart from the global data, key results on crop... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
This book presents the package of standard for organic agriculture use in Asian region. It is a major component of an initiative to development regional cooperation on organic... -
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in GMS (Greater Mekong Subregion)Where Are We
First, this document presents the program Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) in GMS, the countries involved and the two periods of the program. They present the vision of... -
Agriculture at a crossroads “ East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report
Present the synthesis of the agricultural situation in East and South Asia and the Pacific.This document is a report of IAASTD that presents the general agricultural situation... -
Policy BriefIssue No. 4Mechanization Solutions for Improved Livestock...
Role of Mechanization in Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Diseases; Recommendations -
Mechanization Solutions for Improved Livestock Management and Prevention,...
Animal husbandry plays an important role in the agricultural industry. However, since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic which has become a global... -
ECHO Development Notes - Issue 149, October 2020
In this issue:Farmer-Centered Climate Change Mitigation: Part 2 of 2From ECHO's Seed Bank: How Seeds from ECHO Grew in a Dry-Season Garden in UgandaEchoes from our Network:... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these... -
ECHO Asia notes ISSUE 42/ 2020
Making On-Farm Pig Feed Farm-Generated Formulas vs. Commercial Feeds; Integrated Pest Management on the Island of Bali; Coffee Drying €˜Bunk-Beds’ for Vegetable Production
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.