policy brief Boosting the demand for organic productsThe role of consumer...
A brief overview of Boosting the demand for organic products: The role of consumer trust and product availability€ -
Laos - CLEAR Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience
This special report is published jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the World Food Programme with technical support from the USAID’s Mekong... -
Concept Note for NUDP Learning from Longlan Village
A short visit to Ban Longlan on the border of Luang Prabang and Phonxai Districts provides an idyllic picture of village life in the mountains of Northern Laos. High above the... -
XAO BANStarting the agro-ecological transition among Hmong farmers in...
This presentation for a brief overview XAO BAN: Starting the agro-ecological transition among Hmong farmers in NongHet, XiengKhouang Province for Thematic Workshop Bringing... -
Rural Development Agency RDA
This presentation for brief introduction Rural Development Agency for Thematic Workshop Bringing Agroecology to the Market: Innovative Market Approaches and Institutional... -
Green Extension
This presentation for Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA meeting , at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap on 30 October €“ 1st November 2017, Cambodia -
Developing materials for learning, extensionThe Lao Uplands Sourcebook
This presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic workshop Review of Existing Pedagogical Materials and Initiatives for Mainstreaming AE Practices in Laos€ the 13th of June 2017 -
Measuring climate resiliencean example of indicators system in the framework...
Presentation for measuring climate resilience: an example of indicators system in the framework of the NU-PCR project in Ngot Ou District, Phongsaly Province, Lao PDR -
We are EFICAS! What performance indicators for assessing agroecology impacts?
Presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic Workshop, Vientiane, 29 November 2016, Lao PDR -
Fair Trade Laos
Fair Trade Laos is a nonprofit organization, established in 2008 with an aim to contribute to poverty alleviation, especially among vulnerable people, through productive... -
Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)
ARMI was founded by 15 former CIDSE staff in October 2006; registration application to LUSEA and approved in October 10th, 2006. In 2009, the Decree on association was... -
The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative
The Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative An organization to improve living conditions of Lao coffee smallholdersThis presentation talking about a model organization for... -
Transformative approaches to agroecology at the landscape level
This presentation talking about Agrarian changes in the northern uplands. at 1st National multi-stakeholder workshop on Agroecological Transition in Lao, 2-3 June 2016, Vientiane -
Organic by defaultMyth or Reality? Evidence from the Lao PDR
Presentation talking about differences between organic and non-organic farmers in terms of education, endowments, farming and marketing practices and performances -
National Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Agroecological Transition
The main of this presentation talking about Sustainable Intensification of Rice Production: Ecosystem-based Approaches. At National Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Agroecological... -
ALiSEA experience sharing workshopReview of existing pedagogical materials...
This experience sharing workshop is part of the activities implemented by the Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) to foster multi stakeholder... -
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook, Improving livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR,...
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook was developed in order to provide field level extension workers, educators and students better access to the wealth of information and experiences in... -
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook, Improving livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook was developed in order to provide field level extension workers, educators and students better access to the wealth of information and experiences in... -
Rush for cash crops and forest protectionNeither and sparing nor land sharing
In many countries with large tracts of tropical forest. There is a dual focus on enhancing forest protection and increasing commercial agricultural for economic devlopment. Laos... -
Farmers’ Voices
What do the farmers of Laos talk about when they get together? What are farmers saying about environment and rural livelihood? What do they consider to be their most valuable...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.