Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resources Centre in Extension and...
Small Farm Resources Centre (SFRC) model is not a new approach to agricultural outreach. Extension variations on this theme have been in operation in many parts of the world for... -
Agroecology Transition in MyanmarIssues, Status and Stakeholder Mapping
This report on situation review of agro ecological transition in Myanmar is the follow up feasibility study (Consultation workshop on agro ecology, held at Yangon, on 12 June... -
Agroecological farming innovationsCase studies in Hoa Binh and Lam Dong...
Given the increasing scope and impacts of environmental pollution and food poisonings in Vietnam since its agricultural sector started with further intensification with more... -
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on Organic Agriculture Standards
Referred to in Agriculture Law No.1/98 LNA, dated 10 October 1998;- Referred to in Prime Minister CB (DOA) No.89/PMO, dated 22 June 1999 on the Organization and Role of Ministry... -
To till or not to till? The diffusion of conservation agriculture in Xieng...
Over the past decade, efforts have been made to promote conservation agriculture as an ecologically sound alternative to tillage-based agriculture in the Lao People’s Democratic... -
CEDAC Supporting on Organic Agriculture Market
This document provides a presentation of CEDAC and a chronological history of CEDAC implication in organic agriculture. It also provides informations on the linkage of farmers... -
Nourishing the world sustainably scaling up agroecology
Explain what is agroecology and bring forward the key roles of agroecology.This document brings a presentation of agroecology: principles, practices, attributes of agroecology... -
Accompanying the Agro-ecological Transition in Southeast Asia 2015 - 2019
Final report for ACTAE regional project. The ACTAE regional project aims at promoting sustainable agriculture based on agroecology principles and practices in GMS - countries:... -
Lao PDR Country PresentationPolicy Issues on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
The presentation of The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
Crop Protectionweed management practices of small holder rice farmers in...
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Agroecological rice production in ChinaRestoring biological interactions
Biodiversity is an important characteristic to keep ecosystems stable and to make efficient use of environmental resources. These trends of simplification of agro-ecosystems,... -
Synergies between Research for Development (R4D), Development in ACTAE 2
The presentation for Research for development (R4D) support to the agroecology transition in Southeast Asia: R4D €“ ACTAE2 Meeting, 28 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand -
Sustaining and enhancing the momentum for innovation and learning around the...
Report Final Regional Workshop, SRI-LMB€ 1-2 November 2018 Novotel Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand -
Evaluation Test of Cambodia-designed Seed Planter Prototype for Two-wheel Tractor
The presentation for UNICAM conference Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia Current knowledge applications and future needs€ 27-29 August 2018, Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap...