Shifting Forests in Northeast IndiaManagement of Alnus nepalensis as an...
This chapter describes an ancient but little-documented example of farmer manipulation of A. nepalensis in Nagaland, Northeastern India, which has enabled a significant... -
Making Rice Production More Environmentally-Friendly
Irrigated rice production is one of the most essential agricultural activities for sustaining our global population, and at the same time, one of the agricultural sectors... -
The agricultural research and development institutions in most developing countries are poorly equipped to support the needs of millions of smallholder farmers that depend upon... -
Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
Agroecology and Sustainable Development
Understanding the cornerstones of agroecology€ requires a sustained and significant collective effort, comparable to the efforts that went into conquering space. (...) Without... -
Stories From The Field - Women working toward a non-toxic environment
The often unseen but disastrous consequences of chemical-intensive food and agricultural production are felt most by half of the world’s food producers and rural population:... -
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)Responses to frequent asked questions
Compared to a decade ago, many more persons €“ at least 10 million people, most of them farmers -- can now answer the question "What is SRI?" at least in general terms. However,... -
Alder trees enhance crop productivity and soil microbial biomass in tea plantations
Monoculture farming systems lead to soils depleted of nutrients and diminished microbial functional diversity, disrupting process crucial to maintaining soil health. The... -
Ecological Intensification Management of Maize in northeast ChinaAgronomic...
Optimum field management practices need to be developed and improved to solve the challenge of increasing food production while retaining the ecological integrity of farming... -
Agroforestry Alternatives to Shifting Cultivation in Upland Myanmar, Chin State
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Agroforestry Alternatives to Shifting Cultivation in Upland Myanmar
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Toward thick legitimacycreating a web of legitimacy for agroecology
Legitimacy is at the heart of knowledge politics surrounding agriculture and food. When people accept industrial food practices as credible and authoritative, they are... -
Sustainable commercialization of new crop for the agricultural bieconomy
Society is now calling on agriculture to provide goods and services that begin with enhanced production of food and other materials, but range far beyond. For example,... -
FARMING FOR THE FUTURE. Organic and Agroecological Solutions to Feed the World
Hunger is not primarily a problem of overall supply of food, but rather of poverty, lack of democracy and unequal access to land, water and other resources, especially for... -
From Uniformity to Diversity. A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture...
This report explores the potential for a shift to occur from current food systems, characterized by industrial modes of agriculture, to systems based around diversified... -
Agroecological farming innovationsCase studies in Hoa Binh and Lam Dong...
Given the increasing scope and impacts of environmental pollution and food poisonings in Vietnam since its agricultural sector started with further intensification with more... -
Agroforestry for livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Northwest Viet Nam
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Agroecology Stakeholder Mapping and Situation Review in Cambodia
The current report presented results from a study on agroecology stakeholder mapping and situation review in Cambodia conducted within the framework of AFD’s funded regional... -
Lao National Agro-Ecology Programme PRONAE PCADR / Development and...
Farming is changing throughout Laos, with traditional slash-and-burn giving way to more modern agricultural methods in many areas. In southern Xayabury for example, traditional... -
Lessons from Nature - A guide to Ecological Agriculture in the tropics
Over millions of years, nature has built up an intricate system of relationship of exchange and mutual dependence among its elements - land, water, air, forest, sunlight and...