The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resources Centre in Extension and...
Small Farm Resources Centre (SFRC) model is not a new approach to agricultural outreach. Extension variations on this theme have been in operation in many parts of the world for... -
Profiles of People’s Organizations In Rural Asia
This study entitled Profiles of People’s Organizations in Asia under the auspices of AsiaDHRRA and Agriterra covered seven countriesIndonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
This book presents the package of standard for organic agriculture use in Asian region. It is a major component of an initiative to development regional cooperation on organic... -
Agriculture at a crossroads “ East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report
Present the synthesis of the agricultural situation in East and South Asia and the Pacific.This document is a report of IAASTD that presents the general agricultural situation... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these... -
Dynamic development, shifting demographics, changing diets
The story of the rapidly evolving food system in Asia and the Pacific and why it is constantly on the move -
The regional assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for...
Summary for policymakers of the IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the pacific.