What place for an agroecological rice technique in rain fed lowland rice...
With the growing concern about food security in the northern part of Laos, it is critical to address the issue of sustainable intensification of food production, especially the... -
Organic (Participatory Guarantee System) PGS system initiative in Myanmar...
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Saw Htoo BawSmall farmer with big dreams!
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Consumer Preferences Study in Regards to Organic, Clean and Safe...
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Agroecological practicesfrom the point of view of a development practitioner
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Roles of Universities and research institutes in agricultural extension in Vietnam
This presentation for Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA meeting, at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap on 30 October €“ 1st November 2017, Cambodia -
Importance of State Agricultural Institutes in Producing New Extensionists
This presentation for Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA meeting , at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap on 30 October €“ 1st November 2017, Cambodia -
Impact of Rural Out-migration on the Resilience of Agricultural System of...
This presentation for brief overview result of Impact of Rural Out-migration on the Resilience of Agricultural System of Rice Farmers in Lower Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar -
Organic (Participatory Guarantee System)PGS initiative in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Myanmar Organic Grower and producer Association (MOGPA), PGS initiative in Myanmar -
Current Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Current Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Myanmar, at Region academic conference addressing agroecology transition in the Mekong... -
Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically...
This presentation for a brief overview Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically friendly products in Myanmar, at Region academic conference... -
Agroecology and rice production in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Agroecology and rice production in Myanmar by THAN DA MIN, Department of Agronomy, Yezin Agricultural University -
Agroecological Practicesthe point of view of a development practitioner
This presentation for GRET Ayeyarwaddy delta of Myanmar 21/03/2017 -
Sustainable Agricultural Practices of Farmers through Farmer Field School Approach
Presentation for Sustainable Agricultural Practices of Farmers through Farmer Field School Approach -
Market opportunities for agro-ecology products from Myanmar
Pesentation for Market opportunities for agro-ecology products from Myanmar -
Eco Village Farm School “ NEED- Myanmar
Presentation for a breif overview NEED- Myanmar Eco Village Farm School€ -
Agro ecology Transition in Myanmar
Presentation for Agro ecology Transition in Myanmar, on March,7-8 2016, Myanmar -
Assessment of soil erosion risk in different cropping systems of the Inle...
Presentation for Assessment of soil erosion risk in different cropping systems of the Inle Lake watershed area, Nyaung Shwe Township, Southern Shan State, Myanmar, at 7th of... -
Welcome to Dry Zone, Myanmar, GRET - Monywa
GRET has been working since 2011 in Dry Zone Myanmar based at Monywa. To improving the living condition of small and medium farmers and vulnerable people through suitable...