Agroecology, a diversity of concepts, definition and practices
This presentation for Regional Academic Conference on Agroecology in the Mekong Region, Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar, 24th January 2017 -
Agroecological practicesTransforming the dominant agro-food system?
This document introduces the concept of Agroecology and how it can transform the dominant agro-food system through various Agroecological practices. -
Consolidated account of the 4 national multi stakeholder workshops on...
This report presents a short consolidated account of 4 national multi-stakeholder workshops addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region and bringing together 225... -
From Uniformity to Diversity. A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture...
This report explores the potential for a shift to occur from current food systems, characterized by industrial modes of agriculture, to systems based around diversified... -
Agroecology Transition in MyanmarIssues, Status and Stakeholder Mapping
This report on situation review of agro ecological transition in Myanmar is the follow up feasibility study (Consultation workshop on agro ecology, held at Yangon, on 12 June... -
Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR
The Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR reports the information and data on the six most significant agro-ecological... -
Organic agriculture in the twenty first century
Organic agriculture has a history of being contentious and is considered by some as an inefficient approach to food production. Yet organic foods and beverages are a rapidly... -
Agricultural Sector Strategic Development Plan, 2006-2010 (Cambodia)
The Mission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to support the economic growth of Cambodia by providing high quality services which result in a secure food... -
Agro ecologyIndia’s Journey to Agricultural Prosperity The evidence and path...
This textbook shows the definition of agro ecology, some successful case studies in agro ecology practicing in India. In addition, it presents the challenges and recommendations... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
The New Green Revolution How Twenty-First-Century Science Can Feed the World
To introduce the concept of a new agricultural paradigmThis document of the UN special rapporteur on the right to food and his advisor aims at presenting a new agricultural... -
Mainstreaming AgroecologyImplications for Global Food and Farming Systems
Informe CAFS members and other members who work for change in the farming production, research and policy arenas about agroecology.In the first instance, this discussion paper... -
Nourishing the world sustainably scaling up agroecology
Explain what is agroecology and bring forward the key roles of agroecology.This document brings a presentation of agroecology: principles, practices, attributes of agroecology... -
Farmers taking the leadThirty years of farmer field schools
The Farmer Field School (FFS) has been one of the most successful approaches developed and promoted by FAO over the past three decades, empowering farmers to become better... -
Proceedings report for Symposium on Climate Change ResilienceTurning a...
Symposium on Climate Change Resilience: Turning a buzz-word into action€, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 14th June 2018The Symposium on Climate Change Resilience is framed within the... -
Systems analysis and agroecosystems in transition Research Insights from...
The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia -
Identifying barriers to the adoption of agroecological practices in rural Laos
Huam Jai Asasamak Association (HJA) is a youth-focused non-profit organization with 3 main programs, the: Volunteer Internship Program (VIP), Volunteer Alumni Program (VAP), and... -
Documenting local tree knowledge and developing a decision-support tool to...
This document presents the main findings of a Small R&D Grant awarded by CANSEA in the framework of the ACTAE project -
Agroecology for Food Security and NutritionProceedings of the International...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 29-31 August 2016