Resolving the twin human and environmental health hazards of a plant-based diet
Food can be health-giving. A global transition towards plant-based diets may equally help curb carbon emissions, slow land-system change and conserve finite resources. Yet,... -
Bounhome farm
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Bounleua farm
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Market study for the production and sale of Natural Fertilizer in Siem Reap
The overall objective is to carry out preliminary studies of the project of structuration the fecal sludge management sector of Siem Reap city. The purpose of these preliminary... -
Farmers taking the leadThirty years of farmer field schools
The Farmer Field School (FFS) has been one of the most successful approaches developed and promoted by FAO over the past three decades, empowering farmers to become better... -
Management of rice insect pests
This is a part of the Achieving sustainable cultivation of rice Volume 2 - Cultivation, pest and disease management€ -
Agroecological rice production in ChinaRestoring biological interactions
Biodiversity is an important characteristic to keep ecosystems stable and to make efficient use of environmental resources. These trends of simplification of agro-ecosystems,... -
Engaging village communities in designing their future landscape
The presentation for Research for development (R4D) support to the agroecology transition in Southeast Asia: R4D €“ ACTAE2 Meeting, 28 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand -
Towards a common food policy for the European UnionThe policy reform and...
This report argues for a Common Food Policy for the European Union: a policy setting a direction of travel for the whole food system, bringing together the various sectoral... -
Tin Hla farm
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Saw Htoo Baw Farm
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U Khin Maung Farm
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Kyaw Myo Thu farm
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Ye Htut Aung farm
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Agroecology as a Pathway towards Sustainable Food Systems
This report summarizes the results of impact studies about agroecological interventions in semiarid regions in three countries, namely, Pernambuco state in Brazil, Fatick... -
Climate change adaptation options for rainfed rice systems in Cambodia
The presentation for UNICAM conference Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia Current knowledge applications and future needs€ 27-29 August 2018, Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap... -
Promoting agro-ecology transition via enhancing farmers’ analytical and...
The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia -
The Climate UrgencySetting sail for a new paradigm
This report aims to explore how a paradigm shift in our food and energy systems €“ supported by structural lifestyle and societal changes €“ could greatly contribute to limit... -
ALiSEA Sustainability Assessment indicators
The ALiSEA Sustainability Assessment Framework begins with the three dimensions of sustainability: agroecology, social and economic. These dimensions are broad, encompass many... -
Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific
Summary for policymakers of the IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the pacific