Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
ECHOIntroduction and Overview
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Maejo University Go-Eco Strategy (Panel 4Agroecology at university level,...
This presentation for a brief overview Maejo University, at Regional academic conference addressing agroecology transition in the Mekong region, 24th, 25th January 2017, Yezin... -
Crop Biodiversity. A Foundational Component of Resilient Farming Systems
This presentation for a brief overview A Foundational Component of Resilient Farming Systems€ at ALISEA general assembly workshop Towards an Agroecology Transition€ -
A small Grant of FIRST project Laos and Cambodia 2017-2018 FIRSTFunctional...
FIRST Project: Functional IndicatoR of Soil ecosystem. The project will contribute to the capacity building of young researchers and practitioners in Laos and Cambodia. Project... -
Landscapes for Agrobiodiversity. <em>Agrobiodiversity perspectives in...
The importance of agrobiodiversity and its custodians has been ignored in both conservation and agricultural development, as reflected in the debate about whether land sparing€... -
Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)Responses to frequent asked questions
Compared to a decade ago, many more persons €“ at least 10 million people, most of them farmers -- can now answer the question "What is SRI?" at least in general terms. However,... -
Ecological Intensification Management of Maize in northeast ChinaAgronomic...
Optimum field management practices need to be developed and improved to solve the challenge of increasing food production while retaining the ecological integrity of farming... -
The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resources Centre in Extension and...
Small Farm Resources Centre (SFRC) model is not a new approach to agricultural outreach. Extension variations on this theme have been in operation in many parts of the world for... -
Sustainable commercialization of new crop for the agricultural bieconomy
Society is now calling on agriculture to provide goods and services that begin with enhanced production of food and other materials, but range far beyond. For example,... -
Habitat eradication and cropland intensification may reduce parasitoid...
Ecosystem services, through vital for the future of U.S. agricultural production and profitability are several threatened by agricultural intensification. Pollinator declines,... -
Farmers’ Voices
What do the farmers of Laos talk about when they get together? What are farmers saying about environment and rural livelihood? What do they consider to be their most valuable... -
Agroecology Transition in MyanmarIssues, Status and Stakeholder Mapping
This report on situation review of agro ecological transition in Myanmar is the follow up feasibility study (Consultation workshop on agro ecology, held at Yangon, on 12 June... -
Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR
The Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR reports the information and data on the six most significant agro-ecological... -
Agroecological farming innovationsCase studies in Hoa Binh and Lam Dong...
Given the increasing scope and impacts of environmental pollution and food poisonings in Vietnam since its agricultural sector started with further intensification with more... -
SRI in Laos
The first organization to introduce SRI into Laos was Oxfam Australia, a non-governmental organization (NGO), which conducted the first SRI trials during the rainy season of... -
Lao National Agro-Ecology Programme PRONAE PCADR / Development and...
Farming is changing throughout Laos, with traditional slash-and-burn giving way to more modern agricultural methods in many areas. In southern Xayabury for example, traditional... -
Institutionalizing Agroforestry as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy...
Several studies and literature have indicated the relevance of agroforestry as one of the climate change adaptation strategies of the agriculture sector, particularly those in... -
Country Strategy Paper Cambodia - Pesticide Risk Reduction IPM...
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) initiated the pilot phase of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme from 1993 to 1995 after The Environment...