FAO’s global work on agroecology and the scaling up initiative
This presentation for the Regional workshop on the Application of the FAO Global Analytical Framework for the multidimensional assessment of Agroecology, 24-26 September 2019,... -
Creating opportunities for rural youth2019 Rural Development Report
This report (PDF) by IFAD attempts to inform policies, programmes, and investments to promote a rural transformation that is inclusive of rural youth. Rural youth development is... -
Farmers taking the leadThirty years of farmer field schools
The Farmer Field School (FFS) has been one of the most successful approaches developed and promoted by FAO over the past three decades, empowering farmers to become better... -
Management of rice insect pests
This is a part of the Achieving sustainable cultivation of rice Volume 2 - Cultivation, pest and disease management€ -
Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food...
This document provides guidance to support the utilization of the Rapid Capacity Assessment Tool: Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food... -
Empowering Youth to Engage in Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems
The Principles for Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) adopted by the Committee on World Food Security establish that, among other social,... -
Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food...
This rapid capacity assessment tool aims to help practitioners (such as government agencies, youth organizations, or development partners) to carry out a multi-stakeholder... -
The World of Organic AgricultureStatistic and Emerging trends
The 20th edition of the study The World of Organic Agriculture published by FiBL and IFOAM Organics International shows a continuation of the positive trend seen in the past... -
The future Alternative pathways to 2050 of food and agriculture “ Summary
This report presents a foresight exercise undertaken to identify potential strategic options for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concerning food and... -
The state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture
This report presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA). It complements other global assessments prepared under the auspices of the... -
AgroecologyInnovating for sustainable agriculture, food systems
Industrial food production contributes heavily towards climate change, environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources €“ and in so doing it erodes the very... -
Agroecology as a Pathway towards Sustainable Food Systems
This report summarizes the results of impact studies about agroecological interventions in semiarid regions in three countries, namely, Pernambuco state in Brazil, Fatick... -
UNICAM and the sustainability goals
The presentation for UNICAM conference Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia Current knowledge applications and future needs€ 27-29 August 2018, Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap... -
Better and Different Transforming food systems through agroecology
The publication depicts how civil society initiatives play an increasing role in shaping local food systems and how they are drawing up food policy. Various cases from Kenya,... -
Setting the sceneWhy and how certify?
The presentation for Regional experience sharing workshop Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) to promote agroecology in the Mekong Region€ 1st to 3rd October 2018, Vientiane... -
How to raise political awareness of the need for support to organic...
This document has been produced and published by IFOAM-Organics International in 2017 as part of the Global Policy Toolkit on Public Support to Organic Agriculture -
Organic Policy Template
Organic Policy Template by IFOAM -
Why and how should policy makers support organic agriculture
General presentation for Why and how should policy makers support organic agriculture by IFOAM -
G-STIC 2017 Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems
This paper was prepared as a background document for the thematic session on €˜Agroecology for Sustainable Systems’ at the Global Science, Technology and Innovation Conference... -
Who Wants to Farm? Youth Aspirations, Opportunities and Rising Food Prices
This paper explores these conditions in a context of food price volatility, and in particular rising food prices since 2007. To do so, it analyses primary qualitative research...