This document is to provide the supporting framework for environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive development and growth in Cambodia. -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
Scaling Up Agroecology “ Toward the realization of the right to food
Present agroecology and conditions for scaling up.This document of the IATP presents agroecology (definition, principles) and various conditions which will allow scaling up... -
The New Green Revolution How Twenty-First-Century Science Can Feed the World
To introduce the concept of a new agricultural paradigmThis document of the UN special rapporteur on the right to food and his advisor aims at presenting a new agricultural... -
Mainstreaming AgroecologyImplications for Global Food and Farming Systems
Informe CAFS members and other members who work for change in the farming production, research and policy arenas about agroecology.In the first instance, this discussion paper... -
ASEAN Guidelines for Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry
The ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry were adopted by ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in October 2018 and... -
ECHO Development Notes - Issue 149, October 2020
In this issue:Farmer-Centered Climate Change Mitigation: Part 2 of 2From ECHO's Seed Bank: How Seeds from ECHO Grew in a Dry-Season Garden in UgandaEchoes from our Network:... -
Resolving the twin human and environmental health hazards of a plant-based diet
Food can be health-giving. A global transition towards plant-based diets may equally help curb carbon emissions, slow land-system change and conserve finite resources. Yet,... -
COVID-19 and the crisis in food systemsSymptoms, causes, and potential solutions
The COVID-19 health crisis has brought on an economic crisis, and is rapidly exacerbating an ongoing food security and nutrition crisis. In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has laid... -
Agroecology in times of COVID-19
Most of our global problemsenergy shortages, water scarcity, environmental degradation, climate change, economic inequality, food insecurity and others cannot be addressed in... -
Bounhome farm
There is no description for this dataset
Bounleua farm
There is no description for this dataset
Pakistan Country Presentation
The presentation of The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
Market study for the production and sale of Natural Fertilizer in Siem Reap
The overall objective is to carry out preliminary studies of the project of structuration the fecal sludge management sector of Siem Reap city. The purpose of these preliminary... -
Creating opportunities for rural youth2019 Rural Development Report
This report (PDF) by IFAD attempts to inform policies, programmes, and investments to promote a rural transformation that is inclusive of rural youth. Rural youth development is... -
Farmers taking the leadThirty years of farmer field schools
The Farmer Field School (FFS) has been one of the most successful approaches developed and promoted by FAO over the past three decades, empowering farmers to become better... -
Management of rice insect pests
This is a part of the Achieving sustainable cultivation of rice Volume 2 - Cultivation, pest and disease management€ -
Agroecological rice production in ChinaRestoring biological interactions
Biodiversity is an important characteristic to keep ecosystems stable and to make efficient use of environmental resources. These trends of simplification of agro-ecosystems,... -
Engaging village communities in designing their future landscape
The presentation for Research for development (R4D) support to the agroecology transition in Southeast Asia: R4D €“ ACTAE2 Meeting, 28 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand -
Proceedings report for Symposium on Climate Change ResilienceTurning a...
Symposium on Climate Change Resilience: Turning a buzz-word into action€, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 14th June 2018The Symposium on Climate Change Resilience is framed within the...