Tomato-Integrated Pest ManagementAn Ecological Guide

This ecological guide is developed by the FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia. It is an updated version of the Tomato IPM Ecological Guide dated June 1996. The objective of this ecological guide is to provide general technical background information on tomato production, supplemented with field experiences from the National IPM programmes connected to FAO’s Vegetable ICP, and from related organizations active in farmer participatory IPM. Reference is made to exercise protocols developed by Dr. J. Vos of CABI Bioscience (formerly IIBC/CAB International) for FAO. The exercises are described in “Vegetable IPM Exercise book”, 1998 which contains examples of practical training exercises that complement the technical background information from this guide.

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Tiêu đề Tomato-Integrated Pest ManagementAn Ecological Guide
Mô tả This ecological guide is developed by the FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia. It is an updated version of the Tomato IPM Ecological Guide dated June 1996. The objective of this ecological guide is to provide general technical background information on tomato production, supplemented with field experiences from the National IPM programmes connected to FAO’s Vegetable ICP, and from related organizations active in farmer participatory IPM. Reference is made to exercise protocols developed by Dr. J. Vos of CABI Bioscience (formerly IIBC/CAB International) for FAO. The exercises are described in “Vegetable IPM Exercise book”, 1998 which contains examples of practical training exercises that complement the technical background information from this guide.
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