Laos - CLEAR Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience

This special report is published jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the World Food Programme with technical support from the USAID’s Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (Mekong ARCC) project, as well as inputs from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Ministry of Planning and Investments, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the United Nations Development Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the NGO Disaster Risk Reduction and Management consortium (Oxfam, CARE, World Vision, the French Red Cross) and Decide Info.The report examines climate impacts on livelihoods and is intended to be used as a tool to identify adaptation options for the most vulnerable livelihoods.

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Tiêu đề Laos - CLEAR Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience
Mô tả This special report is published jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the World Food Programme with technical support from the USAID’s Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (Mekong ARCC) project, as well as inputs from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Ministry of Planning and Investments, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the United Nations Development Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the NGO Disaster Risk Reduction and Management consortium (Oxfam, CARE, World Vision, the French Red Cross) and Decide Info.The report examines climate impacts on livelihoods and is intended to be used as a tool to identify adaptation options for the most vulnerable livelihoods.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Kinh tế và thu nhập
  • Hệ thống thực phẩm bền vững
  • Khí hậu
Từ khóa nông sinh thái
  • đỉnh thu nhập
  • An ninh lương thực
  • Biến đổi khí hậu
  • Khả năng chống chịu với khí hậu
  • Hạn hán
  • Tính dễ tổn thương
Các tổ chức đóng góp MONRE, WFP and SWEDEN
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Năm 2016
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