Biochar, climate change and soilA review to guide future research

Biochar is the charred by-product of biomass pyrolysis, the heating of plant-derived material in the absence of oxygen in order to capture combustible gases. The objective of this report was to review and evaluate published studies with regard to what evidence and arguments currently exist that assess the application of biochar to soil to a) sequester carbon and b) produce secondary agronomic benefits. Current analyses suggest that there is global potential for annual sequestration of atmospheric CO2 at the billion-tonne scale (109 t yr-1) within 30 years. So far, however, the underlying published evidence arises mainly from small-scale studies that do not currently support generalisation to all locations and all types of biochar.

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Tiêu đề Biochar, climate change and soilA review to guide future research
Mô tả Biochar is the charred by-product of biomass pyrolysis, the heating of plant-derived material in the absence of oxygen in order to capture combustible gases. The objective of this report was to review and evaluate published studies with regard to what evidence and arguments currently exist that assess the application of biochar to soil to a) sequester carbon and b) produce secondary agronomic benefits. Current analyses suggest that there is global potential for annual sequestration of atmospheric CO2 at the billion-tonne scale (109 t yr-1) within 30 years. So far, however, the underlying published evidence arises mainly from small-scale studies that do not currently support generalisation to all locations and all types of biochar.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Giảm đầu vào và tái chế
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Dinh dưỡng và chế độ ăn uống
  • Khí hậu
Từ khóa nông sinh thái
  • Phân ủ
  • Quản lý chất thải
  • Sinh khối
  • Hoạt động sinh học đất
  • Độ phì nhiêu của đất
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Dinh dưỡng
  • Thị trường carbon
  • Biến đổi khí hậu
  • Hạn hán
  • Năng lượng tái tạo
Các tổ chức đóng góp CSIRO, ROTHAMSTED Research, Newcastle University
Tác giả aran Sohi, Elisa Lopez-Capel, Evelyn Krull and Roland Bol
Năm 2009
Loại tài liệu Báo cáo
Ngôn ngữ Tiếng anh
Thông tin không gian
Quốc gia Global
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