Agroecology Stakeholder Mapping and Situation Review in Cambodia
The current report presented results from a study on agroecology stakeholder mapping and situation review in Cambodia conducted within the framework of AFD’s funded regional... -
This document is to provide the framework to guide the coordination and implementation of adaptation initiatives through a participatory approach, and to build synergies with... -
National Strategic Development PlanUpdate 2009-2013 (Cambodia)
This document is the road map for the implementation of the Rectangular Strategy Phase II for growth, employment, equity, and efficiency to reach the Cambodian Millennium... -
Market study for the production and sale of Natural Fertilizer in Siem Reap
The overall objective is to carry out preliminary studies of the project of structuration the fecal sludge management sector of Siem Reap city. The purpose of these preliminary... -
Crop Protectionweed management practices of small holder rice farmers in...
There is no description for this dataset
Proceedings report for Symposium on Climate Change ResilienceTurning a...
Symposium on Climate Change Resilience: Turning a buzz-word into action€, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 14th June 2018The Symposium on Climate Change Resilience is framed within the... -
The presentations of the meeting National Consultation Forum for Farmer...
All the presentations of the meeting National Consultation Forum for Farmer (NCFF)€ on 18-19 December 2018 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
All presentation for the meeting Consumer Survey on Food Standards in...
The presentations for Working Meeting: Consumer Awareness on Food Standards in Cambodia€6 December 2018 | Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
What limits agricultural intensification in Cambodia? The Role of...
This paper attempts to deï¬ne the factors which determine emigration and rice doublecropping, i.e. rice cultivation on the same plot twice per year, by rural households in...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.