Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR
The Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR reports the information and data on the six most significant agro-ecological... -
Institutionalizing Agroforestry as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy...
Several studies and literature have indicated the relevance of agroforestry as one of the climate change adaptation strategies of the agriculture sector, particularly those in... -
EFICAS Know-How Series Community-based Agricultural Development Planning (CADP)
An emphasis was given over the past decade to participatory land-use planning (PLUP), with strong policy support, development of methods and tools. Land-use planning has... -
Engaging village communities in designing their future landscape
The presentation for Research for development (R4D) support to the agroecology transition in Southeast Asia: R4D €“ ACTAE2 Meeting, 28 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand -
Ethno-Permaculture farm at Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden
The presentation of TOT training of Permaculture project at Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, 18 €“ 23 February 2019, Laungprabang Province, Lao PDR
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.