We are EFICAS! What performance indicators for assessing agroecology impacts?
Presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic Workshop, Vientiane, 29 November 2016, Lao PDR -
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook, Improving livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook was developed in order to provide field level extension workers, educators and students better access to the wealth of information and experiences in... -
Study of farmer experiences and approaches with mechanised dry direct...
Mechanised dry direct seeding (DDS) is a crop establishment technique that reduces labour requirements, and offers flexibility in terms of earlier planting times. This technique... -
NBSAP Assessment An Assessment of Lao PDR’s National Biodiversity Strategy...
In 1996, the Government of Lao PDR acceded to United Nation International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In meeting the requirements of the convention, in 2004, the... -
This Forestry Law determines the basic principles, regulations and measures on sustainable management, preservation, development, utilization and inspection of forest resources... -
Institutionalizing Agroforestry as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy...
Several studies and literature have indicated the relevance of agroforestry as one of the climate change adaptation strategies of the agriculture sector, particularly those in... -
Lao PDR Country PresentationPolicy Issues on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
The presentation of The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
Supporting regional upraising on agroecology The LICA initiative process
Final narrative report ACTAE Small Grant Facility LICA Project -
Atlas of Agriculture in the Lao PDR Patterns and trends between 1999 and 2011
This new atlas was co-developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern. It combines...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.