Test Brief 02
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras commodo auctor lectus, ornare cursus justo commodo vel. Pellentesque in mattis diam. Ut quis dapibus ex. Proin id... -
Vietnam Retail Foods
Vietnam's food retail sector is dominated by small traditional traders, but modern retail channels are expanding in response to growing consumer demand. Overall economic growth,... -
Vietnam Food Safety Risks Management
A report on food safety was produced by the World Bank and partner at the request of government of Vietnam. This policy brief summaries the key finding and recommendation. -
Vietnamese groupWorkshop on Transfer of Agricultural Technology Kuala...
The presentation for CAPSA-MARDI Regional Training Workshop on Transfer of Agricultural Technology with Specific Focus on Application of ICT for Resilient Agriculture€, 18 - 20... -
Gender Roles and Relationships in Water Management A Case Study in An Giang...
This presentation for brief overview result of Gender Roles and Relationships in Water Management A Case Study in An Giang Province, Vietnam€ -
Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in the Mekong Sub-Region towards Food Security
This presentation for a brief overview of Research title Assessment the Impact of Climate Change on Aquaculture/Fisheries Household Livelihood in the Lower Mekong Delta,... -
Promotion of indigenous knowledge based climate change resilient and organic...
This presentation for an overview of Agriculture And Forestry Research, Development Center For Mountainous Region (ADC) in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam -
VAC Integrated System-based Agro-ecology Development
VAC is acronym formed from the three Vietnamese words:- Vuon€ garden or orchard,- AO € fish pond,- Chuong€ : animal shed (stable, pigsty,poultry shed )VAC system stems from... -
Develop Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) A long Organic Product Chain
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) is quality assurance initiatives and to help organic farmers have products need to access to markets.PGS is adopted by IFOAM (2004) as a... -
Agroecological zoning for extension of climate friendly agriculture in some...
Ethnic farming communities in remote mountainous areas of Son La, Dien Bien, and Lai Chau provinces in Northern Vietnam have improved access to information on climate change... -
Experience on organic winter potato business in conditions of small farmers...
Winter season up down more and more by year because that income from winter season is very lower in comparison with other activities in Ha noi. For this reason Science Institute... -
Agroecological farming innovationsCase studies in Hoa Binh and Lam Dong...
Given the increasing scope and impacts of environmental pollution and food poisonings in Vietnam since its agricultural sector started with further intensification with more... -
Farmers’ Sustainable Agriculture Perception in the Vietnam Uplandsthe Case...
Perception, sustainable agriculture, upland farmers -
Organic agriculture is often promoted as a possible route for farmers in the global south to follow in the quest for greater agricultural sustainability. By allowing farmers... -
VIETNAM ORGANIC AGRICULTURE - An overview on current status and some success...
Although it is believed, as in all other countries in the world, Vietnamese farmers were growing crops organically hundred years ago, organic farming according to the... -
VIETNAM ORGANIC AGRICULTURE An overview on current status and some success...
Modern organic agriculture is new to Vietnam. Organic Information: Fewand scattered.Certified organic area and value (2010):€¢ 21.000 ha (0.2% of the total cropped area) of... -
Adaptive Research on Rice/Potato Rotation Model (applying SRI for rice and...
Narrative report ALiSEA Small Grant Facility -
Do legume-based intercrops concurrently halt soil erosion, boost soil health...
Final narrative report ACTAE Small Grant Facility LEGINCROP Project -
PGS as a way to bring safe vegetables to consumers in Vietnam
The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia -
Improving soil fertility by recycling rice plant residues
The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.