Curriculum and Research activities related to Agro-ecology Yezin Agriculture...
This presentation for a brief overview Curriculum and Research activities related to Agro-ecology Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar, at Regional academic conference... -
Maejo University Go-Eco Strategy (Panel 4Agroecology at university level,...
This presentation for a brief overview Maejo University, at Regional academic conference addressing agroecology transition in the Mekong region, 24th, 25th January 2017, Yezin... -
Current Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Current Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Myanmar, at Region academic conference addressing agroecology transition in the Mekong... -
Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically...
This presentation for a brief overview Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically friendly products in Myanmar, at Region academic conference... -
Agroecology and rice production in Myanmar
This presentation for a brief overview Agroecology and rice production in Myanmar by THAN DA MIN, Department of Agronomy, Yezin Agricultural University -
Agroecology, a diversity of concepts, definition and practices
This presentation for Regional Academic Conference on Agroecology in the Mekong Region, Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar, 24th January 2017 -
R&D activities granted by ACTAE-Cansea component
This presentation for a brief overview R&D activities granted by ACTAE-Cansea component, at ALISEA Vietnam Annual General Meeting Hanoi - 14th of November 2017 -
Promotion of indigenous knowledge based climate change resilient and organic...
This presentation for an overview of Agriculture And Forestry Research, Development Center For Mountainous Region (ADC) in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam -
Crop Biodiversity. A Foundational Component of Resilient Farming Systems
This presentation for a brief overview A Foundational Component of Resilient Farming Systems€ at ALISEA general assembly workshop Towards an Agroecology Transition€ -
Promoting Organic Vegetables through Customer Engagement in Participatory...
This presentation for Promoting Organic Vegetables through Customer Engagement in Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Cambodia -
Agroecological Practicesthe point of view of a development practitioner
This presentation for GRET Ayeyarwaddy delta of Myanmar 21/03/2017 -
Developing materials for learning, extensionThe Lao Uplands Sourcebook
This presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic workshop Review of Existing Pedagogical Materials and Initiatives for Mainstreaming AE Practices in Laos€ the 13th of June 2017 -
ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)
Presentation for a brief overview of the project ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN Biocontrol)€ -
Food Technology Project « Secure water to secure food and nutrition»...
Presentation for a brief overview of the project Food Technology Project « Secure water to secure food and nutrition» Cambodia, Laos March 2012 €“ February 2015€ -
Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) Group Certification in Cambodia
Presentation for a brief overview Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) -
Measuring climate resiliencean example of indicators system in the framework...
Presentation for measuring climate resilience: an example of indicators system in the framework of the NU-PCR project in Ngot Ou District, Phongsaly Province, Lao PDR -
We are EFICAS! What performance indicators for assessing agroecology impacts?
Presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic Workshop, Vientiane, 29 November 2016, Lao PDR -
A small Grant of FIRST project Laos and Cambodia 2017-2018 FIRSTFunctional...
FIRST Project: Functional IndicatoR of Soil ecosystem. The project will contribute to the capacity building of young researchers and practitioners in Laos and Cambodia. Project... -
Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region
Presentation for Overview of the Organic Certification in the Mekong Region -
Fair Trade Laos
Fair Trade Laos is a nonprofit organization, established in 2008 with an aim to contribute to poverty alleviation, especially among vulnerable people, through productive...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.