The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resources Centre in Extension and...
Small Farm Resources Centre (SFRC) model is not a new approach to agricultural outreach. Extension variations on this theme have been in operation in many parts of the world for... -
Profiles of People’s Organizations In Rural Asia
This study entitled Profiles of People’s Organizations in Asia under the auspices of AsiaDHRRA and Agriterra covered seven countriesIndonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
This book presents the package of standard for organic agriculture use in Asian region. It is a major component of an initiative to development regional cooperation on organic... -
Agriculture at a crossroads “ East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report
Present the synthesis of the agricultural situation in East and South Asia and the Pacific.This document is a report of IAASTD that presents the general agricultural situation... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these... -
Dynamic development, shifting demographics, changing diets
The story of the rapidly evolving food system in Asia and the Pacific and why it is constantly on the move -
The regional assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for...
Summary for policymakers of the IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the pacific. -
Farm to Systems-Where is Our Measuring Tap?
This presentation is adapted from the LEISA India, 2016 -
Assessing capacity needs of extension and advisory services. A Guide for Facilitators
This guide is intended to assist facilitators in conducting a workshop with Extension and Advisory Service (EAS) providers for assessing their capacity needs.This guide has been... -
Report on the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Agroecology in Asia and the...
Seeking to gain a better understanding of the role that agroecology can play in eradicating hunger and malnutrition, FAO organized the International Symposium on agroecology for... -
Agroecology and AdvocacyInnovations in Asia
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade... -
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)overview and reflections
This document brings informations about PGS: definition, history, repartition around the world, how this guarantee system works, his strengths and challenges. After this general... -
Policy BriefIssue No. 1Promoting an Enabling Environment for the Private...
For the purpose of this policy brief, the €˜private sector’ in relation to agricultural mechanization is understood to comprise of four groups of economic actors: (1) farmers,... -
The Bos Khnor Research Station Training Product
Document of the Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale¯Mechanization¯for Conservation Agriculture
Final report of the Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
Regional Expert Consultation on Underutilized Crops for Food and Nutritional...
Proceedings and Recommendations : Regional Expert Consultation on Underutilized Crops for Food and Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific, November 13-15, 2017; Bangkok,...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.