Intensifying upland rice Systems with Stick lac Production in Northern Lao PDR
The Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is a land-link country with a total area of 236,800 km2 and a population of 6.5 million. The country is located in Southeast Asia,... -
Food and Nutrition Security ATLAS of Lao PDR
The Atlas on Food and Nutrition Security in Lao PDR is based on a conceptual framework developed by WFP/VAM. The framework allows for a comprehensive analysis of food and... -
Lessons from Nature - A guide to Ecological Agriculture in the tropics
Over millions of years, nature has built up an intricate system of relationship of exchange and mutual dependence among its elements - land, water, air, forest, sunlight and... -
Farmers’ Sustainable Agriculture Perception in the Vietnam Uplandsthe Case...
Perception, sustainable agriculture, upland farmers -
Asia at the Crossroads Prioritising Conventional Farming or Sustainable Agriculture?
In June of 2012, representatives of over 140 nations are expected to take part in the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development€. The conference €“ scheduled... -
Agricultural Systems
System of Rice Intensification (SRI)The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has been widely promoted in Cambodia and a significant number of adopters have been reported.... -
Organic agriculture is often promoted as a possible route for farmers in the global south to follow in the quest for greater agricultural sustainability. By allowing farmers... -
Replacing Chemicals with Biology. Phasing out highly hazardous pesticides...
Adverse effects of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) on people and the environment have been a global concern for many years. In 2006, this was clearly expressed by the FAO... -
Trainer’s Manual for Extension Workers - Organic Vegetable Production
Organic Vegetable Production Vegetables are an integrated crop that Cambodian farmers like to grow the whole year round, especially in dry season after the rice harvest.... -
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Evidence and...
The paper summarizes the history, benefits, impacts and how to measure the impact of SRI. It also includes the knowledge gaps of SRI. -
Agro ecologyIndia’s Journey to Agricultural Prosperity The evidence and path...
This textbook shows the definition of agro ecology, some successful case studies in agro ecology practicing in India. In addition, it presents the challenges and recommendations... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
This book presents the package of standard for organic agriculture use in Asian region. It is a major component of an initiative to development regional cooperation on organic... -
The scaling up of agroecology. Spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency
To retrace the contribution of SOCLA to discussions at Rio+20 on issues at the interface of hunger, agriculture, environment and social justice (this paper is the paper position... -
Scaling Up Agroecology “ Toward the realization of the right to food
Present agroecology and conditions for scaling up.This document of the IATP presents agroecology (definition, principles) and various conditions which will allow scaling up... -
The New Green Revolution How Twenty-First-Century Science Can Feed the World
To introduce the concept of a new agricultural paradigmThis document of the UN special rapporteur on the right to food and his advisor aims at presenting a new agricultural... -
Mainstreaming AgroecologyImplications for Global Food and Farming Systems
Informe CAFS members and other members who work for change in the farming production, research and policy arenas about agroecology.In the first instance, this discussion paper... -
Nourishing the world sustainably scaling up agroecology
Explain what is agroecology and bring forward the key roles of agroecology.This document brings a presentation of agroecology: principles, practices, attributes of agroecology... -
Agriculture at a crossroads “ East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report
Present the synthesis of the agricultural situation in East and South Asia and the Pacific.This document is a report of IAASTD that presents the general agricultural situation... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.