Mainstreaming AgroecologyImplications for Global Food and Farming Systems
Informe CAFS members and other members who work for change in the farming production, research and policy arenas about agroecology.In the first instance, this discussion paper... -
Agroecology concepts, principles and applications
Present the contributions of the SOCLA to FAO’s International Symposium on Agroecology for Food security and nutrition.Thanks to 15 points, this document provides the synthesis... -
Nourishing the world sustainably scaling up agroecology
Explain what is agroecology and bring forward the key roles of agroecology.This document brings a presentation of agroecology: principles, practices, attributes of agroecology... -
Agriculture at a crossroads “ East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report
Present the synthesis of the agricultural situation in East and South Asia and the Pacific.This document is a report of IAASTD that presents the general agricultural situation... -
Policy BriefIssue No. 3Integrated Management of Straw Residue in the...
Burning of straw residue is a common practice in many countries of the Asia-Pacific region. In recent times, this practice has drawn the attention of policymakers and the public... -
ECHO Development Notes - Issue 149, October 2020
In this issue:Farmer-Centered Climate Change Mitigation: Part 2 of 2From ECHO's Seed Bank: How Seeds from ECHO Grew in a Dry-Season Garden in UgandaEchoes from our Network:... -
Ecologically-based Pest ManagementA way out of pesticide reliance for...
The presentation for the workshop Pesticides, Agriculture and Food: Multiple and Growing concerns in Cambodia€, 28th of November 2019 -
Accompanying the Agro-ecological Transition in Southeast Asia 2015 - 2019
Final report for ACTAE regional project. The ACTAE regional project aims at promoting sustainable agriculture based on agroecology principles and practices in GMS - countries:... -
Case study of Mr. Sorn
Mr. Chrech Sorn is living in Sdey Kraom village, Prek Loung Commune, Ek Phnom District, Battambang Province. He grows 1 hectare of vegetable crops and 2 hectares of rice fields.... -
Developing an E-learning platform in Agroecology
Narrative report - ACTAE Small Grant Facility. Contract in the Framework of ACTAE regional project CANSEA component -
TAPEa Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation
This presentation for the Regional workshop on the Application of the FAO Global Analytical Framework for the multidimensional assessment of Agroecology, 24-26 September 2019,... -
FAO’s global work on agroecology and the scaling up initiative
This presentation for the Regional workshop on the Application of the FAO Global Analytical Framework for the multidimensional assessment of Agroecology, 24-26 September 2019,... -
Pakistan Country Presentation
The presentation of The Regional Training on Appropriate Scale€¯Mechanisation€¯for Conservation Agriculture€¯was held on May 6-9, 2019 in Siem Reap and Bos Khnor, Cambodia -
Activities implemented by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources...
Narrative report - ACTAE Small Grant Facility for the Activities implemented by the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management, the Conservation Agriculture Service... -
Agroecological rice production in ChinaRestoring biological interactions
Biodiversity is an important characteristic to keep ecosystems stable and to make efficient use of environmental resources. These trends of simplification of agro-ecosystems,... -
The state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture
This report presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA). It complements other global assessments prepared under the auspices of the... -
Sustainable Soil Management Course Manual - Part 1, 2, 3
This manual is intended to be used in association with Trust Nature’s Sustainable Soils Management Course and is designed to complement course notes and other course materials.... -
Alley cropping and agro forestryTrees and crops for a better future
The presentation of TOT training of Permaculture project at Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, 18 €“ 23 February 2019, Laungprabang Province, Lao PDR -
Sustaining and enhancing the momentum for innovation and learning around the...
Report Final Regional Workshop, SRI-LMB€ 1-2 November 2018 Novotel Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand -
AgroecologyInnovating for sustainable agriculture, food systems
Industrial food production contributes heavily towards climate change, environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources €“ and in so doing it erodes the very...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.