Test Video 01
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis tincidunt nulla. Cras ipsum dui, porta in bibendum sed, luctus nec elit -
Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Good Agricultural Practices in Climate...
Climate change is one of the most important challenges to sustainable development in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam. Indigeneous Knowledge is also used in... -
Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Bangladesh now needs to thank its soil health, environment and human health for the country being almost self-sufficient in rice production. The present study has been... -
Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture - 1st edition
There is increasing evidence that warns that the growing push toward industrialization and globalization of the world’s agriculture and food supply imperils the future of... -
Agro-ecological Farming Initiatives - Cooperation between Asia Development...
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Identifying, Preserving,, Promoting Neglected, Underutilized Species
This presentation for a brief overview Identifying, Preserving,, Promoting Neglected, Underutilized Species, by ECHO -
Agriculture at a Crossroads IAASTD findings and recommendations for future farming
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), commonly known as the World Agriculture Report. More than 400 scientists... -
Role of market in promoting agroecology A case study on vegetable supply Sa...
Presentation of Natural Agriculture Village Shop established fully in early 2015 and to promote safe food supply and empower farmer market -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
Making Rice Production More Environmentally-Friendly
Irrigated rice production is one of the most essential agricultural activities for sustaining our global population, and at the same time, one of the agricultural sectors... -
The agricultural research and development institutions in most developing countries are poorly equipped to support the needs of millions of smallholder farmers that depend upon... -
Landscapes for Agrobiodiversity. <em>Agrobiodiversity perspectives in...
The importance of agrobiodiversity and its custodians has been ignored in both conservation and agricultural development, as reflected in the debate about whether land sparing€... -
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
The report was written in collaboration with the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous... -
Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
Agroecology and Sustainable Development
Understanding the cornerstones of agroecology€ requires a sustained and significant collective effort, comparable to the efforts that went into conquering space. (...) Without... -
Stories From The Field - Women working toward a non-toxic environment
The often unseen but disastrous consequences of chemical-intensive food and agricultural production are felt most by half of the world’s food producers and rural population:... -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
Toward thick legitimacycreating a web of legitimacy for agroecology
Legitimacy is at the heart of knowledge politics surrounding agriculture and food. When people accept industrial food practices as credible and authoritative, they are... -
The Farming Systems Trial
The hallmark of a truly sustainable system is its ability to generate itself. When it comes to farming, the key to sustainable agriculture is healthy soil, since it is a... -
AgroecologyA global Paradigm to Challenges Mainstreams Industrial Agriculture
Considerable controversy continues to exist in scientific and policy circles about how to tackle issues of global hunger, malnutrition, and rural economic decline, as well as...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.