The current report presented results from a study on agroecology stakeholder mapping and situation review in Cambodia conducted within the framework of AFD’s funded regional project Toward Agroecology Transition in the Mekong Region€, implemented by GRET. The study is one of the four studies, conducted in parallel in four countries including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. The overall objective of the study is to map agroecological initiatives at local and national level and provide a more detailed and accurate account of ongoing initiatives promoting agroecology across the region.The study involves desk reviews including national policy framework, technical reports, articles, books addressing the six identified agroecological practices (SRI, IPM, Organic Agriculture, Integrated Farming, Conservation Agriculture and Agroforestry), interviews with 21 actors actively promoting agro-ecological practices, and field visits to the outstanding sites in four provinces (Kampong Speu, Kandal, Takeo and Siem Reap). The results of the study is divided into five sectionsa review of Cambodia’s policy/regulatory frameworks addressing agro-ecological practices, sustainable development, poverty reduction, food security, GI, GAP etc.; status of the six identified agroecological practices and enabling environment; stakeholder mapping and their account of ongoing initiatives; existing networks promoting agroecology; and stories from the fields.