Innovative Markets for Sustainable Agriculture. How innovations in market...
Between 2013 and 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) undertook a survey of... -
Audit and agrarianismthe moral economy of an alternative food network
With consumers and producers seeking alternative to corporate, industrial food, systems of provision that promise greater ecological and social sustainability have gained in... -
Sustainable Intensification of Tropical Agro-EcosystemsNeed and Potentials
Rapid population growth, increasingly complex economies and novel industrial uses of agricultural products call for further intensification of agriculture, particularly in the... -
Case study on Bamboo marketing in Lao PDR
Bamboo is non timber forest product, which can found in the tropical and sub-tropical zones. It is fast growing and easy regeneration species. Bamboo is a desirable plant for... -
Myanmar’s Agriculture SectorUnlocking the Potential for Inclusive Growth
Myanmar’s agriculture sector offers substantial unexploited potential to underpin the country’s inclusive economic development. With extensive land, water, and labor resources,... -
Enhancing Agricultural Livelihoods through Community Institutions in Bihar, India
Bihar’s agriculture sector employs more than eighty percent of the labor force and more than fourfifths of these farmers are small and marginal. They have one of the lowest... -
Between 2001 and 2009, the four districts of Boten, Kenthao, Paklay and Thongmixay in southern Sayaboury Province have been targeted by two AFD-funded projects dealing with... -
Agroecology and AdvocacyInnovations in Asia
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade... -
Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR Lessons - Learnt from Organic Production and...
1.Provision of training on organic production technologies, formation, management, ICS and basic business planning of producing groups and processors;2.Provision of training... -
Country Strategy Paper, Vietnam - Pesticide Risk Reduction IPM...
The National IPM Programme in Vietnam was established in 1990 with support from FAO to address concerns regarding heavy reliance on chemical inputs in crop production and... -
Consumer perceptions of organic food in the Lao PDR
In general the document indicates the current perceptions and attitudes of end-users (customers, traders, restaurants) towards organic food in the Lao PDR. -
Mechanization of AgricultureMarket Dynamics in China, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Given multiple challenges, such as a growing population, poverty, and the adverse impacts of climate change that the farming community faces, agriculture mechanization plays a... -
Abstract bookNational Research for Development Forum on Pathway foe...
There is no description for this dataset
Native honey bees in Cambodia
There is no description for this dataset
Report Adaptive Research on Rice/Potato Rotation Model (applying SRI for...
Therefore, both SRI and GPM encourage farmers to cultivate towards reducing chemical inputs, organic enhancement, improve the nutrition of the soil, increase productivity and... -
Young people and Family farming
The main objective of this study is to describe the current situation and contribute to setting out a common position on youth development in family farming. The conclusions... -
One Size Fits all or Tailor-Made? Building Appropriate Certification Systems...
Geographical indications (GIs)€”i.e. indications identifying goods originating in a specific place and having quality, characteristics, and reputation attributable to their... -
A win-win situation for both farmers and private companies A case study of...
Tea is the second most popular drink in the world, after water. For a number of developing countries, including Vietnam, tea is an important commodity in terms of jobs and... -
Income Distribution in Vietnam’s Rice Value Chain
The main actors in the Vietnamese rice value chain are farmers (paddy growers), traders, processors (drying, milling, polishing), and food trading and export enterprises. Of...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.