Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR Lessons - Learnt from Organic Production and Marketing Groups

1.Provision of training on organic production technologies, formation, management, ICS and basic business planning of producing groups and processors;2.Provision of training materials, tools and equipments for organic production;3.Setting up and provision of group fund and facilitation of access to credit;4.Support on cost of organic certification;5.Provision of facilities for market place, and in kind support to producer groups participating in public showcase events and market linkages6. Provision of linkages among producers, processors, retailers in domestic and export markets;7.Support on daily working allowance for government staff.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Type of ALiSEA product None
Title Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR Lessons - Learnt from Organic Production and Marketing Groups
Description 1.Provision of training on organic production technologies, formation, management, ICS and basic business planning of producing groups and processors;2.Provision of training materials, tools and equipments for organic production;3.Setting up and provision of group fund and facilitation of access to credit;4.Support on cost of organic certification;5.Provision of facilities for market place, and in kind support to producer groups participating in public showcase events and market linkages6. Provision of linkages among producers, processors, retailers in domestic and export markets;7.Support on daily working allowance for government staff.
Agroecology Category
  • Integrated systems
  • Economy and income
  • Sustainable food system
  • Collaboration
Agroecology Keyword
    Contributing organisations
    Author Thiphavong Boupha
    Year 2014
    Type of document Factsheet
    Language English
    Spatial Information
    Country Lao PDR
    Administrative Level 1
    Administrative Level 2
    Web Link