Conference Proceedings The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference - ECHO Asia Notes - Issue 34

The proceedings of the 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference that took place in Chiang Mai in October 2017 includes several articles about sustainable farming and agroecological practices in Asia:1. Edible Wild Plants and their Contribution to Livelihoods and Diet of Ethnic Communities in Northeastern Cambodia, Ra Thorng (Mekong Institute)2. Enabling a Bottom-up Approach in a Top-down Environment: A Case Study on Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Facilitation in Huaphanh Province, Lao PDR, Claire Georges and Pierre Ferrand (GRET)3. Facilitating Farmer-led Innovation and Extension in Agroecology in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, Myanmar, Justine Scholle, Premila Masse, and Louis Pautrizel (GRET)4. Improving Lives and Livelihoods through Responsible Rural Tourism, with Examples from India, Keith Virgo, Manisha Pande, Pooja Masoor, and Dinesh Pande (Village Ways Pvt Ltd)5. Sustainable Intensification of Rain Fed Lowland Rice Systems: A Case Study in Xieng Khouang, Province in Lao PDR, Mathilde Bourjac, Pierre Ferrand (GRET) and Jean-Christophe Castella (CIRAD)

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Title Conference Proceedings The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference - ECHO Asia Notes - Issue 34
Description The proceedings of the 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference that took place in Chiang Mai in October 2017 includes several articles about sustainable farming and agroecological practices in Asia:1. Edible Wild Plants and their Contribution to Livelihoods and Diet of Ethnic Communities in Northeastern Cambodia, Ra Thorng (Mekong Institute)2. Enabling a Bottom-up Approach in a Top-down Environment: A Case Study on Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Facilitation in Huaphanh Province, Lao PDR, Claire Georges and Pierre Ferrand (GRET)3. Facilitating Farmer-led Innovation and Extension in Agroecology in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, Myanmar, Justine Scholle, Premila Masse, and Louis Pautrizel (GRET)4. Improving Lives and Livelihoods through Responsible Rural Tourism, with Examples from India, Keith Virgo, Manisha Pande, Pooja Masoor, and Dinesh Pande (Village Ways Pvt Ltd)5. Sustainable Intensification of Rain Fed Lowland Rice Systems: A Case Study in Xieng Khouang, Province in Lao PDR, Mathilde Bourjac, Pierre Ferrand (GRET) and Jean-Christophe Castella (CIRAD)
Agroecology Category
  • Integrated systems
  • Input reduction and recycling
  • Seed management
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Nutrition and diets
  • Sustainable food system
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Water management
  • Collaboration
  • Equity
  • Supportive policies
Agroecology Keyword
    Contributing organisations
    Year 2017
    Type of document Event Reports and Proceedings
    Language English
    Spatial Information
    Country Mekong Region
    Administrative Level 1
    Administrative Level 2
    Web Link