Proceedings of the regional workshopTowards a regional initiative to develop E-learning resources in Agroecology - Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11th of October 2017

Based on on-going activities in the field of training and higher education implemented by a range of partners within ACTAE project and beyond (see program of the event) a regional workshop was organized in Phnom Penh on October 11 2017 bringing together different partners involved in training, awareness raising and higher education. This workshop was organized on the continuity of a 1st event organized by ALISEA in Vientiane in June 2017. A diversity of participants attend the event with representatives from several universities in the region (Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar), research institutions, representatives from Ministry of Agriculture, departments of Agricultural Land Resources Management, and NGOs.The first focus of the event was on e-learning as an integrated tool between different actors and beneficiaries. Discussions were conducted prior the event one between ITC, SupAgro, RUA, Queensland University, GDA/DALRM, GRET and CIRAD to identify common expectations for this event and outputs.

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Title Proceedings of the regional workshopTowards a regional initiative to develop E-learning resources in Agroecology - Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11th of October 2017
Description Based on on-going activities in the field of training and higher education implemented by a range of partners within ACTAE project and beyond (see program of the event) a regional workshop was organized in Phnom Penh on October 11 2017 bringing together different partners involved in training, awareness raising and higher education. This workshop was organized on the continuity of a 1st event organized by ALISEA in Vientiane in June 2017. A diversity of participants attend the event with representatives from several universities in the region (Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar), research institutions, representatives from Ministry of Agriculture, departments of Agricultural Land Resources Management, and NGOs.The first focus of the event was on e-learning as an integrated tool between different actors and beneficiaries. Discussions were conducted prior the event one between ITC, SupAgro, RUA, Queensland University, GDA/DALRM, GRET and CIRAD to identify common expectations for this event and outputs.
Agroecology Category
  • Integrated systems
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Nutrition and diets
  • Biodiversity
  • Collaboration
Agroecology Keyword
  • Agroecological transition
  • Conservation agriculture
  • Biomass
  • Income
  • Food quality
  • Biodiversity
  • Cooperative
  • Social media
Contributing organisations ACTAE/CIRAD_GRET
Author Florent Tivet
Year 2017
Type of document Event Reports and Proceedings
Language English
Spatial Information
Country Mekong Region
Administrative Level 1
Administrative Level 2
Web Link