Shifting Forests in Northeast IndiaManagement of Alnus nepalensis as an Improved Fallow in Nagaland. ALDER CHAPTER 30

This chapter describes an ancient but little-documented example of farmer manipulation of A. nepalensis in Nagaland, Northeastern India, which has enabled a significant intensification of the swidden cycle without concomitant ecological decline (see color plate 35). It offers a hypothesis that this intensification was partly prompted by security concerns in an atmosphere of intertribal warfare and headhunting, and gives a brief cultural profile of the main innovators, the Angami Nagas. Much of the historical detail is drawn from early reports by the British colonial government. These provide rich insights into the people of Nagaland and the historical environment that spawned the innovation of alder fallows. The chapter then focuses on a village in Kohima District of Nagaland as a case study, and provides a description of standard jhum cultivation as it is practiced in the region as well as a more detailed diagnosis of the alder fallow innovation. It draws on these findings to elucidate pertinent research issues and to examine the role this system could play in enabling intensification of shifting cultivation in a sustainable way across a broader landscape. If Asia-Pacific’s forest remnants and their contained biodiversity are to be protected, and swidden communities are to be afforded a better standard of living, pathways toward stabilizing and enhancing the productivity of stressed swidden systems are urgently needed. One of the most promising approaches to identifying biophysically workable and socially acceptable innovations is to document and understand indigenous adaptations toward improved fallow management.

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Title Shifting Forests in Northeast IndiaManagement of Alnus nepalensis as an Improved Fallow in Nagaland. ALDER CHAPTER 30
Description This chapter describes an ancient but little-documented example of farmer manipulation of A. nepalensis in Nagaland, Northeastern India, which has enabled a significant intensification of the swidden cycle without concomitant ecological decline (see color plate 35). It offers a hypothesis that this intensification was partly prompted by security concerns in an atmosphere of intertribal warfare and headhunting, and gives a brief cultural profile of the main innovators, the Angami Nagas. Much of the historical detail is drawn from early reports by the British colonial government. These provide rich insights into the people of Nagaland and the historical environment that spawned the innovation of alder fallows. The chapter then focuses on a village in Kohima District of Nagaland as a case study, and provides a description of standard jhum cultivation as it is practiced in the region as well as a more detailed diagnosis of the alder fallow innovation. It draws on these findings to elucidate pertinent research issues and to examine the role this system could play in enabling intensification of shifting cultivation in a sustainable way across a broader landscape. If Asia-Pacific’s forest remnants and their contained biodiversity are to be protected, and swidden communities are to be afforded a better standard of living, pathways toward stabilizing and enhancing the productivity of stressed swidden systems are urgently needed. One of the most promising approaches to identifying biophysically workable and socially acceptable innovations is to document and understand indigenous adaptations toward improved fallow management.
Agroecology Category
  • Integrated systems
  • Animal health
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Nutrition and diets
  • Sustainable food system
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Knowledge and values
Agroecology Keyword
  • Agroforestry
  • Free range
  • Biomass
  • Green manure
  • Soil fertility
  • Cash crop
  • Income
  • Nutrient
  • Food security
  • Biodiversity
  • Environmental protection
  • Drought
  • Heritage
Contributing organisations  the India-Canada Environment Facility (ICEF), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Author Malcolm Cairns, Supong Keitzar, and T. Amenba Yaden
Year 0
Type of document Book or Book Chapter
Language English
Spatial Information
Country India
Administrative Level 1
Administrative Level 2
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