Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture - 1st edition
There is increasing evidence that warns that the growing push toward industrialization and globalization of the world’s agriculture and food supply imperils the future of... -
Agriculture at a Crossroads IAASTD findings and recommendations for future farming
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), commonly known as the World Agriculture Report. More than 400 scientists... -
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook, Improving livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR
The Lao Uplands Sourcebook was developed in order to provide field level extension workers, educators and students better access to the wealth of information and experiences in... -
Innovative approachesto linking sustainable and agroecological production...
This document is the final report of a serie of workshops. This workshop is the result of two research projectsthe first, on Sustainable practices, sustainable markets?... -
Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
Making Sense (and Cents) of Food and Nature. <em>A media guide to covering...
We know there’s something wrong with the food. What we don’t knowIt doesn’t have to be that way. People are increasingly aware, though still woefully misinformed, that there is... -
Proceedings of the Agroecology Learning Exchange 2016 in Masaka, Uganda
Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.€€”Jowelia Mukiibi, farmer, UgandaFrom the 10th to the... -
Organic Agriculture as an Opportunity for Sustainable agricultural Development
We need drastic change in the global food system in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture that feeds people adequately, contribute to rural development and provide... -
Alder trees enhance crop productivity and soil microbial biomass in tea plantations
Monoculture farming systems lead to soils depleted of nutrients and diminished microbial functional diversity, disrupting process crucial to maintaining soil health. The... -
From Uniformity to Diversity. A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture...
This report explores the potential for a shift to occur from current food systems, characterized by industrial modes of agriculture, to systems based around diversified... -
Agroecology Transition in MyanmarIssues, Status and Stakeholder Mapping
This report on situation review of agro ecological transition in Myanmar is the follow up feasibility study (Consultation workshop on agro ecology, held at Yangon, on 12 June... -
NBSAP Assessment An Assessment of Lao PDR’s National Biodiversity Strategy...
In 1996, the Government of Lao PDR acceded to United Nation International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In meeting the requirements of the convention, in 2004, the... -
Replacing Chemicals with Biology. Phasing out highly hazardous pesticides...
Adverse effects of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) on people and the environment have been a global concern for many years. In 2006, this was clearly expressed by the FAO... -
VIETNAM ORGANIC AGRICULTURE - An overview on current status and some success...
Although it is believed, as in all other countries in the world, Vietnamese farmers were growing crops organically hundred years ago, organic farming according to the... -
Agro ecologyIndia’s Journey to Agricultural Prosperity The evidence and path...
This textbook shows the definition of agro ecology, some successful case studies in agro ecology practicing in India. In addition, it presents the challenges and recommendations... -
This document views the concept of agro ecology, benefits of agro ecology in multiple areas, and recommendations for new investment and support to scale up smallholder focused... -
Agroecology concepts, principles and applications
Present the contributions of the SOCLA to FAO’s International Symposium on Agroecology for Food security and nutrition.Thanks to 15 points, this document provides the synthesis... -
Nourishing the world sustainably scaling up agroecology
Explain what is agroecology and bring forward the key roles of agroecology.This document brings a presentation of agroecology: principles, practices, attributes of agroecology... -
Delivering on the Promise of Biological Control in Asia's Food SystemsA...
During the late twentieth century, the Green Revolution€ attained wide-ranging poverty alleviation, food security and improved nutrition across rural Asia. As these... -
Accompanying the Agro-ecological Transition in Southeast Asia 2015 - 2019
Final report for ACTAE regional project. The ACTAE regional project aims at promoting sustainable agriculture based on agroecology principles and practices in GMS - countries:...