Building, Defending and Strengthening Agroecology. A Global Struggle for...
Agroecology is the answer to how to transform and repair our material reality in a food system and rural world that has been devastated by industrial food production and its so-... -
Report of the International Symposium on Agroecology in China
In September 2014 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This was... -
Why a Complexe Food System is Needed, Now
This document presents various options for a sustainable agriculture and food system. It adresses the obstacles preventing the transformation from moving forward and how... -
Agroecological practicesTransforming the dominant agro-food system?
This document introduces the concept of Agroecology and how it can transform the dominant agro-food system through various Agroecological practices. -
Proceedings of the Agroecology Learning Exchange 2016 in Masaka, Uganda
Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.€€”Jowelia Mukiibi, farmer, UgandaFrom the 10th to the... -
Toward thick legitimacycreating a web of legitimacy for agroecology
Legitimacy is at the heart of knowledge politics surrounding agriculture and food. When people accept industrial food practices as credible and authoritative, they are... -
Consolidated account of the 4 national multi stakeholder workshops on...
This report presents a short consolidated account of 4 national multi-stakeholder workshops addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region and bringing together 225... -
AgroecologyA global Paradigm to Challenges Mainstreams Industrial Agriculture
Considerable controversy continues to exist in scientific and policy circles about how to tackle issues of global hunger, malnutrition, and rural economic decline, as well as... -
Climate Resilient AgricultureEducational/Training Posters Series
These posters are based on key messages derived from a sourcebook of reading/reference materials in a companion production entitled "Towards Climate Resilience in Agriculture... -
FARMING FOR THE FUTURE. Organic and Agroecological Solutions to Feed the World
Hunger is not primarily a problem of overall supply of food, but rather of poverty, lack of democracy and unequal access to land, water and other resources, especially for... -
From Uniformity to Diversity. A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture...
This report explores the potential for a shift to occur from current food systems, characterized by industrial modes of agriculture, to systems based around diversified... -
Agroecology Transition in MyanmarIssues, Status and Stakeholder Mapping
This report on situation review of agro ecological transition in Myanmar is the follow up feasibility study (Consultation workshop on agro ecology, held at Yangon, on 12 June... -
Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR
The Situation review of agro-ecology initiatives, stakeholders and networks in Lao PDR reports the information and data on the six most significant agro-ecological... -
Organic agriculture in the twenty first century
Organic agriculture has a history of being contentious and is considered by some as an inefficient approach to food production. Yet organic foods and beverages are a rapidly... -
Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in Swidden cultivation in tropical...
This meta-analysis of land cover transformation of the past 10-15 years in tropical-agriculture frontier worldwide show that swidden agriculture decrease in landscapes with... -
National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy (NGPES)
The National Poverty Eradication Programme (NPEP) has been renamed by the Government of the Lao PDR in order to avoid confusion with the 8 national programmes and to better... -
This Forestry Law determines the basic principles, regulations and measures on sustainable management, preservation, development, utilization and inspection of forest resources... -
Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020 of the Lao PDR
DECREE on Endorsement and Declaration of the Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020 of the Lao PDR:- Pursuant to the Law on the Government of Lao PDR, No. 02/NA, dated 6 May 2003-... -
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on Organic Agriculture Standards
Referred to in Agriculture Law No.1/98 LNA, dated 10 October 1998;- Referred to in Prime Minister CB (DOA) No.89/PMO, dated 22 June 1999 on the Organization and Role of Ministry... -
Status of Community Based Forest Management in Lao PDR
Community involvement in forest management was (first) introduced in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) in 1989 when the First National Forestry Conference declared...