SRP Annual Report 2018
SRP 8th Plenary Meeting and General Assembly 22-24 January 2019 Siem Reap, Cambodia -
Sharpening our understanding of Food Systems
This Primer on Food Systems provides basic elements to introduce the reader to key principles and concepts of Food Systems approaches. This is an introductory booklet relying on... -
ASEAN Guidelines for Agroforestry Development
The Guidelines are an outcome of the Vision and Strategic Plan for ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry 2016€“2025 that was endorsed by the ASEAN Ministers of... -
Measuring what matters in agriculture and food systemsA synthesis of the...
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) (2018). Measuring what matters in agriculture and food systems: a synthesis of the results and recommendations of TEEB for... -
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)
Technical Manual Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Vietnam - Second draft -
Agroecological Transitions - Changes and Breakthroughs in the Making
To underline the need for radical, systemic changes, we have chosen the term AgroEcological Transitions€ for the title of this volume. It stresses that a transition towards... -
Agroecology FuturesInspiring and innovating stories from the Agroecology...
This book results from the compilation of different case studies from the ALiSEA Small Grant Facility and other research work carried out since 2015. ALiSEA funded 26... -
Breaking away from industrial food and farming systemsSeven case studies of...
The seven case studies in this report provide concrete examples of how, in spite of the many barriers to change, people around the world have been able to fundamentally rethink... -
Catalysing dialogue and cooperation to scale up agroecologyOutcomes of the...
The document is prepared in the perspective of the 2nd international Symposium in April 2018. It will give a feedback of the global FAO process on agroecology and discuss the... -
Strengthening sustainable food systems through geographical indications
This study seeks to provide empirical evidence on the economic impacts that are generated through the GI process, beginning with the official recognition of a GI and the steps... -
Summary Report Second Regional Land Forum
Regional Land Forum was held from 28-30th May, 2018, in Bangkok. This report documents the rich discussions and presentations offered during the forum -
Working with SmallholdersA Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains
This handbook is a guide for firms who wish to expand their supply chains by working with smallholder farmers. The purpose is to enable more productive interactions between... -
Building Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture and Food SecurityA Guide...
Over the past five years, the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative has supported leaders in 19 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to... -
Young people and Family farming
The main objective of this study is to describe the current situation and contribute to setting out a common position on youth development in family farming. The conclusions... -
Paradigm TrapThe development establisment’s embrace of Myanmar and how to break loose
Before elucidating this alternative paradigm, the report discusses Myanmar’s economic past and where it’s headed under the current paradigm. Starting with land and agriculture,... -
Food Security and Nutrition in MyanmarPolicy Landscape
For the agriculture sector, the aim is to increase the productivity and diversity of food stuffs and will focus on nutrient-dense crops, fish and animal-based foods, with an... -
Smallholder Farmer Policy Support ReviewLessons from Vietnam
The lessons learnt from government support policy for a success story of small farm development in Vietnam since 30 years was divided into two phases.The first phase was the... -
Integrating Agroecology and Participatory Action Research (PAR). Lessons...
This article aims to: (1) analyze the key characteristics and principles of two case studies that integrated PAR and agroecology in Central America; and (2) learn from the... -
Briefing Note Adding values to agricultureA vision, roadmap for sustainable...
These documents include: Briefing Note Adding values to agriculture: A vision, roadmap for sustainable development in the Lao Uplands€ and Posters