Agroecological and agroforestry practices in tropical wet zones
This guide is designed as a support tool for technicians and farmers involved in actions to promote and develop agroecology. It is a follow-up to a first technical guide... -
A regional platform which aims at creating an enabling environment promoting...
This document presents the main findings of a Small R&D Grant awarded by CANSEA in the framework of the ACTAE project -
Scaling up agroecology initiative transforming food and agricultural systems...
A proposal prepared for the international symposium on agroecology 3-5 April 2018This document presents the Scaling up Agroecology Initiative, a vision to bring agroecologya to... -
Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific
Summary for policymakers of the IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the pacific