ckan_admin updated the organization Unallocated
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ckan_admin updated the organization Unallocated
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ckan_admin updated the organization Unallocated
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
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ckan_admin updated the dataset CALAO project Agro-ecology capitalization of experiences in West Africa
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Profitability of Organic Agriculture in a Transition Economythe Case of Organic Contract Rice Farming in Lao PDR
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ckan_admin updated the dataset policy brief Boosting the demand for organic productsThe role of consumer trust and product availability_Version 2
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Laos - CLEAR Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Simulation game for participatory climate vulnerability and capacity analysis
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Potato Water Management
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Potato Varieties Testing for Production in Cambodia
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ckan_admin updated the dataset EUROPLANTPflanzenzucht GmbH
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Vietnam Retail Foods
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Vietnam Food Safety Risks Management
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Vietnamese groupWorkshop on Transfer of Agricultural Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-20th July 2017
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Role of technology transfer in agriculture to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Briefing Note Pesticide Use in Lao PDRHealth and Environmental Impact_Version Lao&English
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Regional Status of the Impacts from Pesticides
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Chemical Residues in Fruits and VegetablesMonitoring Results 2017
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Cambodia Agriculture Development
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Effect of Integrated Rice-Duck Farming on Rice Yield, Farm Productivity and Rice-Provisioning Ability of Farmers
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Farmer Field School for Tomato Intergraded Pest Management A Facilitator’s Field Guide
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Biochar, climate change and soilA review to guide future research
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Tomato-Integrated Pest ManagementAn Ecological Guide
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Field Guide Exercises for IPM in TOMATOES (Part II)
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ckan_admin updated the dataset What place for an agroecological rice technique in rain fed lowland rice systems? - Case study of the SRS in Xieng Khuang Province, Laos
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Concept Note for NUDP Learning from Longlan Village
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture - 1st edition
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Ecosystem approach for drought resistant home gardening in Central Dry Zone, Myanmar
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ckan_admin updated the dataset Organic (Participatory Guarantee System) PGS system initiative in Myanmar Improvement of Organic “ PGS Certification Awareness (ALiSEA)
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