VAC is acronym formed from the three Vietnamese words:- Vuon€ garden or orchard,- AO € fish pond,- Chuong€ : animal shed (stable, pigsty,poultry shed )VAC system stems from long standing farming methods developed in the Red River deltaIn the fertile plain of the Red River delta, a major rice growing area, farmers have traditionally some pieces of garden around their houses for growing crops and trees for their domestic needs. As delta areas are normally flooded each summer, farmers build a pond to rear fish, its soil is used to raise foundation of the house and animal shed, and garden beds. Thus, an area of gardening, fish rearing and animal husbandry take place in an interrelated fashion adjacent to the house.Presentation of VAC Integrated System-based Agro-ecology Development by Pham Van Thanh and Phan Van Ngoc, CCRD