Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh

Bangladesh now needs to thank its soil health, environment and human health for the country being almost self-sufficient in rice production. The present study has been undertaken to gain knowledge of the level of awareness by farmers and consumers regarding the status of organic rice, and knowledge of demand and marketing opportunities and limitations for organic rice in the country. The present study has highlighted the overall organic rice situation in Bangladesh, which is not yet well documented. The results also demonstrate that farmers and consumers are aware of the hazards of chemical compounds but have little knowledge about organic rice. The present study may open a new window for organic rice research and marketing (both local and export) for all stakeholders (including planners) and could succeed in the adoption of organic rice in Bangladesh.

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loại hình sản phẩm của ALiSEA Không
Tiêu đề Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Mô tả Bangladesh now needs to thank its soil health, environment and human health for the country being almost self-sufficient in rice production. The present study has been undertaken to gain knowledge of the level of awareness by farmers and consumers regarding the status of organic rice, and knowledge of demand and marketing opportunities and limitations for organic rice in the country. The present study has highlighted the overall organic rice situation in Bangladesh, which is not yet well documented. The results also demonstrate that farmers and consumers are aware of the hazards of chemical compounds but have little knowledge about organic rice. The present study may open a new window for organic rice research and marketing (both local and export) for all stakeholders (including planners) and could succeed in the adoption of organic rice in Bangladesh.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Hệ thống tích hợp
  • Giảm đầu vào và tái chế
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Kinh tế và thu nhập
  • Dinh dưỡng và chế độ ăn uống
  • Hệ thống thực phẩm bền vững
  • Đa dạng sinh học
Từ khóa nông sinh thái
  • Nông nghiệp hữu cơ
  • Phân ủ
  • Quản lý dịch hại tổng hợp
  • Phân hữu cơ
  • Luân canh cây trồng
  • Phân xanh
  • Độ phì nhiêu của đất
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • đỉnh thu nhập
  • Chi phí sản xuất
  • Sức khỏe con người
  • Dinh dưỡng
  • Chứng nhận
  • Bảo vệ môi trường
Các tổ chức đóng góp Ehime University, JOS
Tác giả Shaikh Tanveer Hossain, Hideki Sugimoto, Hideto Ueno and Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul Huque
Năm 2007
Loại tài liệu Research Article
Ngôn ngữ Tiếng anh
Thông tin không gian
Quốc gia Bangladesh
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