Agroforestry and livelihoods in Lao PDR Case studies in Napo and Haitai village, Vientiane Province

A field survey has been conducted to find out information on livelihood and agroforestry of the study area. The study was carried out in two villages of Sangthong District viz, Napo and Haitai. The study was carried out during 14-15th September 2009. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. For the primary data collection, socio-economic survey of 10 villagers has been carried out with a semi questionnaire format. Families were selected upon their dependence on agroforestry for their livelihood. In addition, most of respondents were found illiterate. Paddy is dominant crop in agricultural field and rice selling is the principle source of their income. Although there are several source of income generation activities available like, cattle, buffalo raising, NTFP collection, labour selling, etc. however, villagers overall income still quite low. Both the villages require lots of infrastructure establishment to uplift socio-economic condition. The gender role reveals that, the female working together with male is more efficiently for contributing in the crop filed in various activities.

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Tiêu đề Agroforestry and livelihoods in Lao PDR Case studies in Napo and Haitai village, Vientiane Province
Mô tả A field survey has been conducted to find out information on livelihood and agroforestry of the study area. The study was carried out in two villages of Sangthong District viz, Napo and Haitai. The study was carried out during 14-15th September 2009. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. For the primary data collection, socio-economic survey of 10 villagers has been carried out with a semi questionnaire format. Families were selected upon their dependence on agroforestry for their livelihood. In addition, most of respondents were found illiterate. Paddy is dominant crop in agricultural field and rice selling is the principle source of their income. Although there are several source of income generation activities available like, cattle, buffalo raising, NTFP collection, labour selling, etc. however, villagers overall income still quite low. Both the villages require lots of infrastructure establishment to uplift socio-economic condition. The gender role reveals that, the female working together with male is more efficiently for contributing in the crop filed in various activities.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Hệ thống tích hợp
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Kinh tế và thu nhập
  • Dinh dưỡng và chế độ ăn uống
  • Đa dạng sinh học
  • Quản trị tài nguyên thiên nhiên
  • Kiến thức và giá trị
Từ khóa nông sinh thái
  • Nông lâm kết hợp
  • Độ phì nhiêu của đất
  • Tiếp cận thị trường
  • đỉnh thu nhập
  • Dinh dưỡng và sức khỏe
  • Dinh dưỡng
  • None
  • Quản lý đất đai
  • Tôn giáo
  • None
Các tổ chức đóng góp National University of Laos (NUOL), Vientiane, Laos; in cooperation with VITRI/University of Helsinki, and Kasetsart University, Bangkok; under the framework of the FORMEB project of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI).
Tác giả
Năm 2009
Loại tài liệu Báo cáo nghiên cứu điển hình
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