ASEAN Action Plan on Fall Armyworm Control

The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) was first reported in Southeast Asia in late 2018 in Thailand and Myanmar. It has since rapidly spread, and its presence is now confirmed in almost all ASEAN countries. The pest, which feeds on more than 350 plant species, can cause major damage, particularly to maize crops. Now it is endemic in the region, management will need to be focused on control rather than eradication.The impact of the Fall Armyworm’s presence in the ASEAN region will be considerable. Estimates using 10% crop damage across ASEAN maize crops indicates an annual US$884 million cost. Both in lost farmer income and as buyers are forced to import maize.ASEAN farmers are in urgent need of effective, locally valid and regionally relevant management solutions. Appropriate, cost-effective and practical integrated pest management (IPM) methods also wait to be developed, validated, promoted and/or scaled up.

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Tiêu đề ASEAN Action Plan on Fall Armyworm Control
Mô tả The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) was first reported in Southeast Asia in late 2018 in Thailand and Myanmar. It has since rapidly spread, and its presence is now confirmed in almost all ASEAN countries. The pest, which feeds on more than 350 plant species, can cause major damage, particularly to maize crops. Now it is endemic in the region, management will need to be focused on control rather than eradication.The impact of the Fall Armyworm’s presence in the ASEAN region will be considerable. Estimates using 10% crop damage across ASEAN maize crops indicates an annual US$884 million cost. Both in lost farmer income and as buyers are forced to import maize.ASEAN farmers are in urgent need of effective, locally valid and regionally relevant management solutions. Appropriate, cost-effective and practical integrated pest management (IPM) methods also wait to be developed, validated, promoted and/or scaled up.
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    Các tổ chức đóng góp ASEAN Secretariat, FAO
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