Building an Evidence Base for Policy Formulation in the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector in Lao PDR

In June 2012, the Government of the Lao PDR, with the support of development partners, established a Policy Think Tank as part of the Sector Working Group on Agriculture and Rural Development. The Policy Think Tank is led by NAFRI, the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, which is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The aim of the Policy Think Tank is to engage government ministries and private sector stakeholders in dialogue and consensus building to address critical national policy issues that impact actions at the provincial and district levels to support the improvement of livelihoods among the rural poor

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Tiêu đề Building an Evidence Base for Policy Formulation in the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector in Lao PDR
Mô tả In June 2012, the Government of the Lao PDR, with the support of development partners, established a Policy Think Tank as part of the Sector Working Group on Agriculture and Rural Development. The Policy Think Tank is led by NAFRI, the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, which is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The aim of the Policy Think Tank is to engage government ministries and private sector stakeholders in dialogue and consensus building to address critical national policy issues that impact actions at the provincial and district levels to support the improvement of livelihoods among the rural poor
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Hệ thống tích hợp
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Kinh tế và thu nhập
  • Dinh dưỡng và chế độ ăn uống
  • Hệ thống thực phẩm bền vững
  • Đa dạng sinh học
  • Khí hậu
  • Quản trị tài nguyên thiên nhiên
  • Hợp tác
  • Kiến thức và giá trị
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