Crop protection and pesticide risk assessment Myanmartowards sustainable    agricultural and export of high value crops

The government of Myanmar and the Netherlands intend to start a partnership programme in different agricultural sectors, including horticulture. The Dutch Ministry of economic Affairs has fielded a technical expert mission in October 2014 to assess the potentials for growth and development in the vegetable, fruit and flower sub-sectors. In this context the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs aims to assist Myanmar towards sustainable agricultural production and increased exports of high value crops. Investment in an integrated programme on Plant Health, including Integrated Crop Management and Pesticide Risk Reduction will result in an improved balance between benefits and risks of agricultural production in Myanmar. An expert team of the Netherlands existing of experts of Alterra and PPO of Wageninggen-UR and the NVWA have visited Myanmar (3-8 November, 2014). The objective of their mission was to provide clear strategic and operational directions for further development of an Integrated Crop Management and Pesticide Risk Reduction programme in Myanmar.

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loại hình sản phẩm của ALiSEA Không
Tiêu đề Crop protection and pesticide risk assessment Myanmartowards sustainable    agricultural and export of high value crops
Mô tả The government of Myanmar and the Netherlands intend to start a partnership programme in different agricultural sectors, including horticulture. The Dutch Ministry of economic Affairs has fielded a technical expert mission in October 2014 to assess the potentials for growth and development in the vegetable, fruit and flower sub-sectors. In this context the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs aims to assist Myanmar towards sustainable agricultural production and increased exports of high value crops. Investment in an integrated programme on Plant Health, including Integrated Crop Management and Pesticide Risk Reduction will result in an improved balance between benefits and risks of agricultural production in Myanmar. An expert team of the Netherlands existing of experts of Alterra and PPO of Wageninggen-UR and the NVWA have visited Myanmar (3-8 November, 2014). The objective of their mission was to provide clear strategic and operational directions for further development of an Integrated Crop Management and Pesticide Risk Reduction programme in Myanmar.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp sinh thái
  • Giảm đầu vào và tái chế
  • Sức khỏe đất
  • Dinh dưỡng và chế độ ăn uống
  • Hệ thống thực phẩm bền vững
  • Kiến thức và giá trị
Từ khóa nông sinh thái
  • Kiểm soát sinh học
  • Bảo vệ cây trồng tự động
  • Quản lý dịch hại tổng hợp
  • Sức khỏe thực vật
  • Luân canh cây trồng
  • Tuyến trùng
  • An toàn thực phẩm
  • Sức khỏe con người
  • Chứng nhận
  • An ninh lương thực
  • Niềm tin
Các tổ chức đóng góp
Tác giả Peeters, F.M.; Meggelen, J. van; Schepers, H.T.A.M. in Alterra Report
Năm 2015
Loại tài liệu Bảng dữ kiện (là một tờ hay tệp thông tin liệt kê tất cả các thông tin chính, số liệu, sự kiện)
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