Farmer Field School for Tomato Intergraded Pest Management A Facilitator’s Field Guide

This guide is meant as a reference for IPM FFS facilitators. It describes exercises for the farmer field school learning process relating to sustainable potato cultivation. This learning process begins with preparing fields for planting and goes on right up to marketing harvest produce. These experiential learning exercises are intended to empower farmers to become agroecosystem managers through enhancing both their understanding of technical aspects of potato IPM and their decision making and experimental skills. This field guide with learning exercises is closely linked to the potato ecological production guide All about Potatoes: A Handbook to the Ecology and Integrated Management of Potato €. Elaborations on the technical content of the learning exercises in this guide can be found in the respective chapters of the ecological production guide. Potato IPM FFS facilitators should master the contents of both guides.

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Tiêu đề Farmer Field School for Tomato Intergraded Pest Management A Facilitator’s Field Guide
Mô tả This guide is meant as a reference for IPM FFS facilitators. It describes exercises for the farmer field school learning process relating to sustainable potato cultivation. This learning process begins with preparing fields for planting and goes on right up to marketing harvest produce. These experiential learning exercises are intended to empower farmers to become agroecosystem managers through enhancing both their understanding of technical aspects of potato IPM and their decision making and experimental skills. This field guide with learning exercises is closely linked to the potato ecological production guide All about Potatoes: A Handbook to the Ecology and Integrated Management of Potato €. Elaborations on the technical content of the learning exercises in this guide can be found in the respective chapters of the ecological production guide. Potato IPM FFS facilitators should master the contents of both guides.
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  • Sức khỏe đất
  • đỉnh thu nhập
  • Dinh dưỡng
  • Quản lý đất đai
  • Hệ thống thủy lợi
  • Quản lý nước điện giải
Các tổ chức đóng góp LPTP, CIP, FAO, World Education
Tác giả Sri Wahyuning (LPTP), Warsito Tantowijoyo (CIP), Elske van de Fliert (FAO)
Năm 2006
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