Guidelines for Public Support to Organic Agriculture

the "Guidelines for public support to organic agriculture": these guidelines make the cornerstone of the toolkit and present the fullest possible compilation of facts, arguments and tips of the full panel of policy measures that can be conceived to support organic agriculture. Most of the sections of this main report are also broken down into separate documents, for easier download and use. The report is targeted to policy makers and policy advocates. IFOAM-Organics International also developed a special Sub-Saharan African version of the main report, which focuses on the information most relevant in the context of Sub-Sarahan African countries

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Tiêu đề Guidelines for Public Support to Organic Agriculture
Mô tả the "Guidelines for public support to organic agriculture": these guidelines make the cornerstone of the toolkit and present the fullest possible compilation of facts, arguments and tips of the full panel of policy measures that can be conceived to support organic agriculture. Most of the sections of this main report are also broken down into separate documents, for easier download and use. The report is targeted to policy makers and policy advocates. IFOAM-Organics International also developed a special Sub-Saharan African version of the main report, which focuses on the information most relevant in the context of Sub-Sarahan African countries
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