Landscapes for Agrobiodiversity. <em>Agrobiodiversity perspectives in land-use decisions.</em>

The importance of agrobiodiversity and its custodians has been ignored in both conservation and agricultural development, as reflected in the debate about whether land sparing€ or land sharing€ is better for biodiversity and meeting future food needs.1 This debate has largely ignored the ways in which decisions on land use, cultivation practices, and crop and animal production choices affect the amount and distribution of agrobiodiversity in any production system and hence, ecosystem services, agro-ecosystem health and livelihoods.In this booklet, we present the results of an interdisciplinary research project in eight biocultural landscapes undertaken by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) in collaboration with local partners and communities from around the world. The aim of the project was to illustrate the importance of including agrobiodiversity in land-use decisions. The project brought together young researchers with different backgrounds, including sociologists, biologists and geographers, with expertise in various areas that were of relevance to this study such as participatory mapping, animal and crop diversity, agroecology and resilience. The tables presented over the following pages describe the eight landscapes in which the project team worked and summarise the findings.

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Tiêu đề  Landscapes for Agrobiodiversity. <em>Agrobiodiversity perspectives in land-use decisions.</em>
Mô tả The importance of agrobiodiversity and its custodians has been ignored in both conservation and agricultural development, as reflected in the debate about whether land sparing€ or land sharing€ is better for biodiversity and meeting future food needs.1 This debate has largely ignored the ways in which decisions on land use, cultivation practices, and crop and animal production choices affect the amount and distribution of agrobiodiversity in any production system and hence, ecosystem services, agro-ecosystem health and livelihoods.In this booklet, we present the results of an interdisciplinary research project in eight biocultural landscapes undertaken by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) in collaboration with local partners and communities from around the world. The aim of the project was to illustrate the importance of including agrobiodiversity in land-use decisions. The project brought together young researchers with different backgrounds, including sociologists, biologists and geographers, with expertise in various areas that were of relevance to this study such as participatory mapping, animal and crop diversity, agroecology and resilience. The tables presented over the following pages describe the eight landscapes in which the project team worked and summarise the findings.
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  • None
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  • Biến đổi khí hậu
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  • Niềm tin
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  • None
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Các tổ chức đóng góp Platform for agrobiodiversity Research (PAR)
Tác giả Team of researchersAlberto Tarraza Rodrà­guez; Alejandro Gonzà¡lez àlvarez; Dunja Mijatovic; Epsha Palikhey; Ghanimat Azhdari; Helga Gruberg Cazà³n; Lal Kumara Wakkumbure; Maede Salimi; Natalia Estrada Carmona; Reuben Mendakor Shabong; Sajal Stapit; Sonthana Maneerattanachaiyong; Stanley Zira and Toby Hodgkin. Language editorsLoredana Maria and Kate Ferguson. Photo creditsEpsha Palikhey, Helga Gruberg Cazà³n, Maede Salimi and Dunja Mijatovic.
Năm 2016
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