Policy BriefIssue No. 1Promoting an Enabling Environment for the Private Sector for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

For the purpose of this policy brief, the €˜private sector’ in relation to agricultural mechanization is understood to comprise of four groups of economic actors: (1) farmers, (2) retailers and wholesalers, (3) manufacturers, and (4) importers. As this brief illustrates, the creation of an enabling environment for the private sector for sustainable agricultural mechanization requires related government entities to implement well-delineated policies, provide effectual incentives, and establish accessible communication channels

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Tiêu đề Policy BriefIssue No. 1Promoting an Enabling Environment for the Private Sector for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
Mô tả For the purpose of this policy brief, the €˜private sector’ in relation to agricultural mechanization is understood to comprise of four groups of economic actors: (1) farmers, (2) retailers and wholesalers, (3) manufacturers, and (4) importers. As this brief illustrates, the creation of an enabling environment for the private sector for sustainable agricultural mechanization requires related government entities to implement well-delineated policies, provide effectual incentives, and establish accessible communication channels
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    Các tổ chức đóng góp UN-ESCAP CSAM
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    Năm 2020
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