Ye Htut Aung farm
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Farmer Participatory Approach on Soil and Water Conservation Practices...
Progress Report of the FCA-INLE_ACTAE Project -
Alternative to shifting cultivation Slash and Mulch Northern Chin State- Myanmar
The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia -
Case study one Agroecology for resilient and sustainable livelihoods of...
This brief (i) provides an introduction to the STRONG project approach to adult learning in FFS, (ii) documents agroecological practices that the initiative promotes in target... -
Agroecology case studySupporting sustainable livelihoods and reclaiming...
This document is intended as information and sharing tool to support future programming initiatives and planning by government stakeholders, practitioners and communities... -
Agroecology case studyAddressing the challenges of upland farming in...
This case study will examine transitions in the upland project area to contribute to a growing knowledge base on agro-ecology in the ASEAN region to support the adoption and... -
Early Learning from BRiLSS Project “ Challenges and Progress
The presentation of the Annual General Meeting of ALiSEA Myanmar, 19-24 February 2018, in Myanmar -
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 7th and 8th...
The 1st national multi-stakeholder workshop addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region, and more especially in Myanmar, was held on the 7th and 8th of March 2016... -
Proceedings of the national multi stakeholder workshop on Agroecology...
This report presents the main findings of the discussions held during the 2 days workshop addressing the agroecology transition in Myanmar in Yangon on the 7th and 8th of March... -
Posters CORAD Chin State Myanmar
8 Posters of CORAD Chin State Myanmar -
Learning together in the Ayeyarwady DeltaLessons and Good Practices
This document compiles lessons and good practices that arose from implementation of the Delta 2 Programme, funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT).The...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.