A story of Mrs Phuong
A story of Mrs Phuong, a woman in back Kan Province -
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
This is a brief introduction Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme -
CALAO project Agro-ecology capitalization of experiences in West Africa
This is a summary note of CALAO project in West Africa _Version French and English -
Concept Note for NUDP Learning from Longlan Village
A short visit to Ban Longlan on the border of Luang Prabang and Phonxai Districts provides an idyllic picture of village life in the mountains of Northern Laos. High above the... -
Who Will Feed Us? The Industrial Food Chain vs. the Peasant Food Web
ETC Group is a non-profit international civil society organization registered in the USA, Canada and the Philippines. ETC Group’s booklet builds on the 2009 and 2013 editions,... -
The Role of Pesticides in SE Asian Rice IPN; A view from the Mekong Delta
Pesticide application remains an important component of rice pest management in Việt Nam and responsible use should be integrated back into a strategy of good agricultural... -
This study aims to confirm relationship of determinants of demand for organic agriculture products in Chiang Mai. Self-administerred questionnaires was sent out to respondents... -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
Composite farming systems in an era of changeNagaland, Northeast India.
Composite farming systems, first clearly identified by Rambo, are those in which radically different technologies are found together in a single farming complex. Data from... -
Assessing farm sustainability with the IDEA method - From the concept of...
The IDEA method (Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles or Farm Sustainability Indicators) is based on research work conducted since 1998 and is one way of giving... -
Making Rice Production More Environmentally-Friendly
Irrigated rice production is one of the most essential agricultural activities for sustaining our global population, and at the same time, one of the agricultural sectors... -
The agricultural research and development institutions in most developing countries are poorly equipped to support the needs of millions of smallholder farmers that depend upon... -
Agroecology and the Food System
On a global scale agriculture and food will face key challenges of properly feeding a population of nine billion individuals in 2050, while preserving the ecosystems from which... -
Organic Agriculture as an Opportunity for Sustainable agricultural Development
We need drastic change in the global food system in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture that feeds people adequately, contribute to rural development and provide... -
Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a leading complement and alternative to synthetic pesticides and a form of sustainable intensification with particular importance for... -
Alder trees enhance crop productivity and soil microbial biomass in tea plantations
Monoculture farming systems lead to soils depleted of nutrients and diminished microbial functional diversity, disrupting process crucial to maintaining soil health. The... -
Ecological Intensification Management of Maize in northeast ChinaAgronomic...
Optimum field management practices need to be developed and improved to solve the challenge of increasing food production while retaining the ecological integrity of farming... -
Permaculture/Agroecology System in Timor-Leste National School Curriculum...
Timor-Leste is a half Irland country with a total population of 1.2 million people; it is geographically situated between Asia and Pacific region. It is a tropical country and... -
Lending credencemotivation, trust, and organic certification
Various forms of regulation are often used to improve the performance of markets when relevant information is lacking. A good example is markets for credence goods or goods with... -
Toward thick legitimacycreating a web of legitimacy for agroecology
Legitimacy is at the heart of knowledge politics surrounding agriculture and food. When people accept industrial food practices as credible and authoritative, they are...
Agroecology Library
Our repository of literature on agroecology on Southeast Asia includes more than 750 documents.