The ACP-ACTAE project was funded by AFD (Agence FranÇaise de Développement) within the ACTAE regional project ("Towards Agroecology Transition in the Mekong Region"). It was carried out between 2017 and 2018 in South East Asia and it gathered numerous partners from Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.The ACP-ACTAE project was devoted to open a new page on Agroecology in the CANSEA platform activities in South East Asia: Agroecological Crop Protection (ACP) corresponds to the declension of Agroecology to Crop Protection. The ACP-ACTAE project has proposed in 2 years a significant number of activities with the partners that are presented in this report and which are, for the most part, available online.This project has made it possible to build a solid base of exchanges and partnerships, making it possible to envisage immediate and concrete collaborations between CIRAD and partners in South-East Asia (particularly in Vietnam), in the field of Agroecological Crop Protection