Building Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture and Food SecurityA Guide to Country-Led Action

Over the past five years, the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative has supported leaders in 19 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop action-oriented partnerships on the ground. These partnerships have mobilized over $10.5 billion in investment commitments, of which $1.9 billion has been implemented to date, benefiting 9.6 million farmers.The aim of this guide is to provide a dynamic resource that will empower and inspire the leaders who can build on and further develop these learnings to drive a transformation of the world’s agriculture and food systems.A report by the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative Prepared in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting, January 2016

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Title Building Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture and Food SecurityA Guide to Country-Led Action
Description Over the past five years, the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative has supported leaders in 19 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop action-oriented partnerships on the ground. These partnerships have mobilized over $10.5 billion in investment commitments, of which $1.9 billion has been implemented to date, benefiting 9.6 million farmers.The aim of this guide is to provide a dynamic resource that will empower and inspire the leaders who can build on and further develop these learnings to drive a transformation of the world’s agriculture and food systems.A report by the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative Prepared in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting, January 2016
Agroecology Category
  • Soil health
  • Economy and income
  • Nutrition and diets
  • Sustainable food system
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Collaboration
  • Equity
  • Supportive policies
Agroecology Keyword
    Contributing organisations NVA, Deloitte Consulting
    Author NVA, Deloitte Consulting
    Year 2016
    Type of document Guideline
    Language English
    Spatial Information
    Country Global
    Administrative Level 1
    Administrative Level 2
    Web Link